I frequently hear about new “things” in the pipeline. Our goal as small business owners is to lead the field, not follow it.
Both of these items came to my attention today. As a Venture Devil Mentor, I work at ASU and mentor students, faculty and community members by helping them develop and launch new businesses. For those of you that don’t know it, Arizona State University is recognized as the number one “Business Innovation” leader among all the major universities including the likes of MIT.
News today is the involvement of Amazon with the ASU Venture Devil program. Amazon not only has agreed to donate funds to help promising ventures that are creating new uses for voice technology, but have also agreed to give to approved voice technology ventures an Amazon Dot and teach them how to use their voice technology. As I mentioned before, this is an upcoming change in the way we do most things.
My second surprise was the new start up assigned to me. This group is in the process of creating a digital business card. The founders of this new venture are experienced business owners with a lot of technical experience. I will be mentoring them this semester and will keep you up to date as this concept is brought to a reality.
One of the best parts of my job is working with all my BizQuack members, ASU and my regular consulting clients to grow new ideas into mature, successful businesses.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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