There are several reasons why you are not getting paid what you are worth. The most important is that your customers or prospects, don’t know what you are worth. This can only be solved by telling your story so that it impacts your prospect.
In most cases, there are alternative solutions to your product or service, and if the customer sees the alternatives as “cheaper”, you are not going to get the work. If you find yourself having to match someone else’s price or to cut your price, you are on a race to failure.
Going “cheaper” is the last resort of a business owner who does not have a story that differentiates his product/service from that of a competitor.
Some time ago I read about what a goal should be when presenting to a prospect. It should show you as being irreplaceable, essential and priceless. People will pay more if they are convinced that you possess these three attributes.
Including these three elements in a sales presentation or “pitch deck” requires a lot of thought and hard work. All your marketing material should be the same and should focus on these words.
Competition will never go away, and price will always be an important factor, but with a proper presentation you will be able to secure your desired position of value in the market place.
When you learn how much you’re worth, you’ll stop giving people discounts.
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