Today, let’s focus on your current customers as well as your target market. Because you have identified a target market which describes both your current customers as well as your future customers, you can now identify the biggest (specific) problem that that they are currently facing with the Coronavirus.
The key word is specific. Similar businesses have similar problems and while they have a lot of issues that are affected by the coronavirus, your job is to identify the one that, if solved, will relieve their biggest pain or will result in their biggest gain.
There are several ways to find that pain or gain, but the most effective way is to call, not e-mail or text, at least 20 prospects and/or current customers and ask the question: What has affected your business the most with the spreading of the coronavirus and the aftereffects?
Your current customers know who you are; your prospects require a different approach. You can identify yourself and explain that you are conducting a very short survey; and if they wish to participate, they will get a copy of the results. This may appeal to them as they may want to know how everyone else in their industry is coping. Another benefit is you are obtaining a new name and e-mail address to add to your data base.
I believe that at least half the people you contact will respond to your inquiry. That means you only need to make 40 calls to reach your target number of 20. Make all 40 calls. If you get more, great; if you get less, make another 10 calls.
With the results in your hand you will discover that there is a common trend in the answers you received. Now put on your “out of the box” thinking cap and develop/invent a solution.
On the 16th I asked you to ask how you can help. We are in a giving mood and sometimes we may have to give to help others and not get paid, but you are making new contacts and future customers.
Yes, this may be a time when your income is less; but when you give, it has to be an unconditional give.
There are ways to also create an income in this environment. The key to increasing your bottom line is doing something that no one else is doing.
As always, the ball is in your court, and BizQuack is always ready to discuss your ideas.
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