I sat in a meeting today with a small non-profit group trying to re-invent themselves after several years of lack-luster success. From an original, single offering concept, which never became a sought after service, the group now wants to expand their services to cover a very wide variety of services. In my opinion, they may have a troubled future.
In any business endeavor, the key to growing a large business is to start small. Consistent, well planned, baby steps will lead to the desired vision. It involves focus as well as the building of a solid foundation. By following a step by step process, on a consistent basis, you will be igniting and renewing your passion on a daily basis.
The biggest battle that a small business has to fight is the desire for instant gratification. Patience and consistency are the two key factors in the “Small Steps to Big Growth” process. The rate of growth will take care of itself; nowhere did I mention the term Slow Growth.
The BizQuack Vision Based Plan is made up of 5 steps.
- Building the foundation
- Testing the foundation
- Outreach preparation
- Internal operations
- The development and implementation of an action plan (marketing).
Initially the plan takes time; the development of new learning skills, a lot of thought, and “baby steps” to create it. Yes, it may seem like a lot of work and your patience may become thin, but as you progress through the process, the pace picks up and profitable and sustainable growth becomes a reality.
Remember: “Winners do the things that others don’t like to do.” This holds true in your personal and business life.
When you are ready to make a commitment to persistence and consistency, BizQuack is ready to support you. Send a message to Ask The Duck.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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