From the McKinsey Global Institute: “Theorists suggest that 49%of the activities people are paid to do in the global economy have the potential to be automated.” Self-driving cars will become a reality in the next few years and it is estimated that some 300,000 drivers will lose their jobs. I got a new car last week and asked the dealer to make sure it had all the “bells & whistles” that could be installed. It’s going to take me at least several weeks to learn all the features it offers! It does everything but drive itself and yes, it can also help me drive. I am absolutely amazed at all the things this vehicle can do and all the information it can provide.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, is already here and the surface has not even been scratched as to the capabilities that AI will have. There is so much research being conducted in this area by many well-known companies, and I expect an “explosion” in the capabilities of AI.
There is some “doom & gloom” in the media and in the writings of some economists. I look at it as an opportunity for small business owners to compete in a more efficient manner. One area that we, as small business owners, can take advantage of is marketing. In the areas of personalization, content, better landing pages and mobile marketing we can take the lead.
As I stated in other examples, a “big company” is slow and clumsy when it comes to changing directions. A small business owner who is up to date on what is happening can turn on a dime and soar ahead of larger competitors. With the many hats a small business owner has to wear, the addition of technology growth awareness might seem like an overwhelming undertaking.
The only solution for the small business owner is belonging to a community which shares its information for the benefit of all the members. This represents a radical departure from the norm of today in which a small business owner is a loner and has to rely mostly on luck to survive and grow. Trusting in others and participating in a caring and sharing business community will, in my opinion, become a necessity for profitability and sustainability.
We at BizQuack have launched such a community. It is a membership community where members can share, become educated, ask questions of experts, market goods and services to other members, and stay up to date with a wide variety of communication offerings. Explore the possibilities and grow by taking action.
“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”
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