Two weeks left in 2018! Make the most of it!
There are fourteen days left in 2018. This time of the year is usually a time when small business owners take a break, not because they have to, but because they want to. Christmas shopping, parties, family gatherings! Who has time for business!
This two week period is critical because it sets the tone for the start of 2019. If you totally stop your marketing and other business activities, you will be slow coming out of the chute the first week in January.
Your challenge is to pick one important, but unreached goal that you wanted to accomplish this year. (Remember, every goal that is reached takes you closer to your vision.) With only this single goal in mind, write an action plan that will allow you to reach this goal in the next two weeks. Nobody said it would be easy and you will be” bucking the trend” of no work the last two weeks of the year.
If you are willing to take this challenge, call me and let’s discuss your strategy.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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