TC: Brick-and-Mortar is Alive and Well
First let me share a few statistics:
- Since 2016 e-commerce has accounted for more than 40 % of US retail sales growth.
- 82% of US shoppers reported spending more money online in the previous three months
- 82% use their smartphone to make purchase decisions.
- 42% of millennials prefer online retail experience and avoid stores altogether when they can.
Different statistics:
- By 2023 e-commerce is forecast to account for only 21 % of total retail sales.
- By 2023 e-commerce is forecast to account for 5% of grocery sales
- 83% of customers say they want their shopping experience to be personalized in some way
- Amazon and other major internet players are developing their own brick-and mortar networks
I believe that now is a great time for small business owners to embrace the challenge of bringing technology to both their on-line and brick and mortar office.
Although I referenced retail in most of the statistics, I believe that they apply to all product and service sales as well. If you work out of a home office or a leased location, I believe that the experience you offer both to yourself and to potential visitors is critical to growing a successful business.
A work space is an integral part of every business. Even if you don’t bring your customers to your work place, it has to be such that it motivates you to perform. Just as the clothes you wear and the car you drive make an impression, not only on your customers but on the way you feel about yourself, your office plays an equally important role in helping you feel empowered to succeed.
Your challenge today is to ask yourself, “Would I be proud to bring a customer to my work space?”
If the answer is no, make the necessary changes to get a yes!
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