Step out of your comfort zone and do something you’ve never done before!
Emergencies cause us to move, to do things that we thought were impossible. There are so many stories about heroes who have accomplished seemingly impossible feats. Every day one of our soldiers steps forward and fights harder than the rest to protect his fellow soldiers and our country.
As a small business owner you are at war! You are at war against the outside world as well as against your internal forces that are limiting your actions. You have a sleeping giant within you that is capable of growing a very successful and sustainable business. It’s time to wake him up.
You have a body, a brain, a heart and most important you have G.U.T.S. (God’s Undeniable Terrific Secret) and if you use these four gifts, there is nothing that can ever get in your way.
Today, take the step that you have been afraid to take; do the thing that is most uncomfortable. No matter the outcome, I promise you that it will be the foundation for making you a better business person.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and Founder of StrategicDuck and BizQuack
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