BizQuack is a community of small business owners who want to take their businesses to the next level. They want to increase their bottom line and grow.
The opportunities available at BizQuack will only work if you participate. Your challenge this week is as follows:
- Make sure that you upload you picture.
- Make sure that your business information is complete.
- Make sure that you showcase your business in the market place. Talk about the products or services you offer and the benefits they provide. Consider offering a special price to members.
- Start a conversation in our member forum. Participate when something of interest is posted.
- Add your business description in your profile.
- Select another member and explore their web site.
- Call another member and introduce yourself.
- Take the time to scroll through our entire membership so you can become familiar with who they are and the type of business (products/services) that they offer.
A lot of changes are being worked on behind the scenes. We hope to start introducing them to you this fall. In the meantime, I challenge each of you to reach out to two business friends and ask them to take advantage of our free, one month, trial membership.
I am also looking for opportunities to present the BizQuack concept to groups and have a small business information talk of about 20 minutes that I can present to any groups, large or small. It is not a sales talk, but factual information about the status of small business in the US and its impact on our economy.
Please let me know who the members that you asked are, and when they join, you will receive a special surprise.
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