TC: Exercise Your Way to Success!
Yesterday I met a small business owner for lunch. We had not met in person for over a year, since COVID, and I noticed how “stiff” he was walking. During lunch I asked if everything was “OK” and he said it was, he said he gets “stiff when he sits for a while or drives for more than 20 minutes.” Thus, the reason for this challenge😊 I did ask him about what he did for exercise and he said not much, he just did not have the energy or the time to go to the gym for an hour a day.
Did you know that our self-care practices are a reflection and future predictor of business success? Of course, that includes a regular exercise program. A few of the benefits of such a routine include:
- Building more trust and confidence in yourself.
- Avoiding burnout.
- Thinking more positively
- Having more energy.
One major benefit of a regular exercise plan is the building of self-discipline which extends to everything you do in life. I used to think that there were small business owners who had discipline and small business owners who did not have discipline.
Discipline is not something you are born with; it isn’t who you are, it’s what you do. Daily workouts are, in my opinion, the best way to build self-discipline.
Your challenge for today and the rest of your life, is to start and commit to a minimum of 30 minutes worth of exercise every day. There are many ways to achieve this:
- Walking
- Working in your yard (I have a vegetable garden in my back yard)
- Joining a gym
- Using a treadmill at home.
- I just bough a stationary bike to add to my exercise room.
These are suggestions! the secret is to take ACTION and start today. As always accountability is the key so select an accountability partner and you can hold each other accountable.
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