As part of growing your business, you have established goals which, when reached, will move you closer to your vision. As each goal is reached, it’s like taking a powerful vitamin which provides the needed energy to go forward.
With a little effort, goals can be identified, and you work until they are completed. Then you go on to the next set of goals.
Unfortunately, you will inevitably encounter problems reaching some of your goals. Problems are things that we don’t like to think about. It’s human nature to work on goals that are easy to reach, and to put aside those that we identify as problems.
In creating your Vision, the BizQuack Vision planning process asks you to write down your vision and the goals (steps) that you have to take to reach it.
Now comes the challenge! Get out your goals and find those that you have put aside because they appear too difficult. Those goals that you may be avoiding may be the ones that you need to get rolling in the right direction, the ones that will give you that much needed boost.
Thinking about unreached goals may make you anxious, but if you forgot about them and put them aside “for now”, that should make you even more anxious.
From your list of unreached goals, select the one that has created the biggest problem in your mind. With that single goal in front of you, make a commitment now to work on it until you have reached it.
Taking this challenge is critical to your future success. Unless you face the difficult goals and figure out a way to achieve them, they will manifest themselves as even bigger problems and ultimately cause significant damage to your business.
Remember, acknowledging a reluctance (weakness) is the first step toward overcoming it.
I promise that when this problem goal is reached you will get much more satisfaction than reaching an easy goal and patting yourself on the back. And yes, your bottom line will also appreciate it.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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