TC: Follow Your Instincts, Take the Risk
Every one of us has something hidden in the depths of our minds. Whether you are a business owner and want to try something different in marketing, management, staff, etc., or you envision yourself as a business owner but have not had the GUTS to take action.
Regrets are the deepest sorrow that a person can carry, the “What if I only had regret.”
Your beginning of today’s challenge is to start a list of all the things, both personal and business, that can finish the sentence, what if I only had _________________. Don’t write down anything that you could have done different. Write down only new things that you did not implement. Don’t put any limits on yourself, just write.
Keep the what if list with you all day and finish the day by taking 15 minutes to review your list in a quiet place and add anything else that comes to your mind.
When you are finished compiling the list and nothing else comes to your mind, put the list in a visible place so you can return to it in the morning.
With a good night’s rest, set aside 22 minutes in the morning, review your list and then prioritize it.
Now comes the rest of your challenge: take your top priority and begin an action implementation plan. Take the rest of this week to work on that plan, how can you make it a reality.
Now comes the accountability: the reason you belong to BizQuack is to have someone to share ideas with. E-mail a copy of your action plan and then make an appointment with Nick to discuss it.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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