The more specific your vision, the more expansive the creativity you will unleash. The more you know WHY you are doing what you are doing, the more freedom you have to explore all kinds of ways to get there.
Having a clear vision is a core element in my consulting practice. I find myself starting all my initial consultations with a client with the question, “What is your vision?” This question usually relates to their overall business vision, but included in that vision has to be the personal dreams that may not be written as part of the overall vision. In other words, if that business vision is reached then it fulfills the personal vision.
Yes, we spend a lot of time developing the vision but it becomes the focus for the rest of the Vision Based Business Plan that I developed.
I want to carry the concept of the WHY which we used in the development of the vision to everything that happens in your business.
Regardless of what is done, a new brochure or a change in product/service, as an example, if you don’t know WHY you are doing it, that activity lacks meaning and a clear direction.
On the other hand, if you know the purpose for a new brochure, or a change in product/service, then you know your WHY. Therefore, it helps ensure success and increases your motivation to overcome any obstacles you may encounter in creating that change.
When it becomes a habit and all your actions are based on the answer to your WHY, your business will grow faster and it will cause less stress. You will also find that a lot of “things” that seemed important are not relevant to the growth of your business. Motivation and productivity will increase and time somehow becomes available to work on the important things.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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