TC: Footprints and Fingerprints
Perhaps a different topic for small business owners. I have my own definitions, as follows, for the two terms as they related to small businesses.
Footprints: A footprint is a visible, permanent mark; it is left by a small business as it grows and expands it’s market outreach.
Fingerprints are less visible; they refer to the impression that is left with your target market once they experience your service or product.
In order to reach its full potential and to implement a successful growth pattern, a small business must focus on both parts.
Most population centers, big and small, are experiencing population growth. Some like the metro Phoenix Area, which leads the nation in building, population growth and new industries, are experiencing phenomenal growth, and at the same time, are creating unbelievable opportunities for small business owners.
A small business is like a tree, if it doesn’t grow it dies. It requires an action-based growth plan, and yes, that includes taking a few risks. If the plan is to only grow by trying to increase you bottom line in a confined area, another small business will grow and swallow you up. We highly recommend that you create a separate plan for expansion that rests inside your overall vision based plan. Like all other good plans there has to be accountability, and action items with deadlines. This plan, within a plan, will help energize the rest of your team.
The Fingerprint part of any small business is the constant, overdelivering of products and services that create the WOW factor in the minds and hearts of your market.
Call Nick at 602-989-1592 to discuss the expansion plan addition to you Value Based Business Plan.
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