To start this challenge remember the following: your customers don’t need to buy, but want to fulfill their needs.
How can you possibly suggest the best solution to your customers without identifying the customer’s real problem? Your customers’ loyalty is directly related to their level of perception of your commitment to solving their problems.
Part of the BizQuack Vision Planning process requires you to first identify your target market and then to state your Value Proposition. This statement contains the benefits that your customer needs, from their perspective, not yours.
Change is the only constant in the world of business. How did you determine what your customers need and when did you do the research?
Your challenge today is to reach out to your current customers as well as some of your target market. Make at least 20 contacts and ask the following question:
- What are the two biggest challenges facing your business today?
Continue your calls or visits until you have 20 answers. Send each of the people you reached a hand written thank you note.
Based upon this information, review your Value Proposition. Are you still on target? What has changed?
“ The client’s perceived value of a product, service, or solution will be decisive in effectively buying from you, from the competition, or not buying at all.”
This challenge should be repeated every six months.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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