There are drivers, which when satisfied, lead to a sale. As small business owners one of our most important jobs is selling our product or service. Knowing what drives our target market to sign on the dotted line is an essential part of the selling process.
Drivers are the motivations that a prospects needs answered before making a purchase. Let’s examine a few:
● Benefits: How till this purchase help me or solve a problem for me?
● Reliability: Will there be good service and follow through after the sale?
● Trust: Can I rely on what this person is telling me or should I look somewhere else?
● Choice: What are my other options?
● Risk or Loss: What will happen if I don’t make this purchase?
I don’t believe in a “canned” sales presentation; each individual prospect has a purchase mode. The goal of the sales presentation is to personalize it to your prospect, but to make sure that all these “drivers” are covered.
The first step in any sales presentation is listening. I usually start a conversation by asking them to share their story, both personal and business. Sharing stories usually sets the stage for a more open discussion. After listening and taking either mental or written notes, I now share my stories, personal and business.
These five drivers should be incorporated in your stories, not as a direct, hard hitting sales point, but as part of your passion, value proposition and your why.
Spend a little time and work these five points into your story. Your prospect will be more interested in what you have to say and will also have a more honest conversation with you.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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