Nothing motivates like success!
Your challenge for this week is to get a “Quick Win.” Quick wins build a steppingstone to more quick wins and more quick wins eventually lead to realizing your vision.
Coming out of the Covid pandemic cannot be a “let’s feel our way” attitude. Leaders believe in their product/service and must lead the charge.
Steps are easy to establish.
- Make a list of the 5 most important, short term, items that require your attention.
- Select one item that you can focus on which can be accomplished in less than one day and which will produce the biggest results.
- Think of a personal reward that you can give yourself when the mission is accomplished.
- Set aside the necessary time and make it happen.
Repeat this process every day, including weekends (use family/personal goals if necessary) for a period of 30 days.
Doing this will help you focus on what you can control.
I promise a change in your attitude and a better future for your business.
Complete your challenge by sending me a text and sharing your results.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP and Owner of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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