Your challenge for today and everyday is to help our great nation survive and grow. Recent events this past year such as the COVOD-19, political unrest, and a host of other issues are causing an economic hardship. If we couple that with the deteriorating educational system, we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation which threatens the fiber of the United States.
As I have often mentioned, I believe that our salvation lies in a strong, small business economy. Thousands of unemployed people are looking to start a business but have no experience or support upon which to draw.
I challenge you to join with me in helping small businesses (i.e., commission salespeople, start-ups, and established small business with less than 10 employees) get the support they need to reach sustainability and profitability.
There is a need for a very affordable platform where these people can reach out for a person to talk to, find specific help in their industry and find support for their products and services.
I am a firm believer in the concept of “giving first” and that is the challenge that I am asking you to volunteer for.
Share your expertise to become a mentor, or an educator; share your story and listen to theirs. Start today and support existing small business owners by purchasing their goods and services.
Accept this challenge and call me so I can share my mission.
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