TC: Why Are You Different?
Part of our topic for our class next Monday has to do with Differentiation. (This is the session that will be offered at the Scottsdale public Library, 3839 N Drinkwater Blvd in the Eureka Loft. It starts at 5:30 pm)
Your challenge for this week is to write a paragraph as to why your business (service/product) is different from the rest of your industry. What make it stand apart?
Please don’t include any “motherhoods”, words such as honesty, integrity, trust worthy, etc.
Be specific in your answer and if you wish, add your unique benefits that you alone offer to your customers/clients.
The rest of your challenge for this week is to e-mail me a copy of your “differentiation”. (
You can only grow in your business if you step outside your comfort zone and do things, like writing this assignment and sending it to me. To add more to your challenge, block off next Monday evening and attend my session on Value Proposition and Differentiation.
Please include an RSVP if you plan to attend when you send me your paragraph assignment.
Looking forward to reading your “action item” in the next few days.
Participation is always voluntary, but success is a choice.
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