No doubt about it, the COVID-19 has sparked a lot of controversies in our world. It has caused great harm to our nation economically, mentally, spiritually, and physically. It seems like we are caught in a “turf” war between our politicians, the two major parties, each putting forth their own versions of what is happening. (Remember, this is an election year and getting votes, by whatever means possible, is more important than the truth). The medical professionals who cannot agree to exactly what this virus is and how to best protect our citizens. The media has to join the fray and it makes sure that what they say will benefit them or someone else of their choice, without really getting the facts.
When large amounts of money are spread (and more to those who figured out how to beat the system) to almost anyone with little or no accountability, fraud will exist. Some are making more money now, curtesy of the government, than when they were working full time. Why go back to work?
The result of this chaotic environment is a combination of uncertainty and fear. Some are saying that this entire “virus” scenario is a plan by other countries to knock down the US a peg or two. Others say that it is an internal political ploy to help one party over another.
I believe that disruption, in some form or another, will be the new normal for the foreseeable future.
So here we are, small business owners caught in this mix. On the positive side, the four major issues, the economy, our mental well-being, our spirituality, and our physical prowess, are all within our control. By not waiting for something to happen we can act now. Even with 20% unemployment our products and services are still in demand; we just have to tweak our marketing and delivery systems in order to become the provider of choice for the other 80%. It is up to each of us to stay physically, mentally and spiritually fit; that is a choice each of us has to make.
You may have to dig deep to get to the truth about this virus. Associate with people that have a positive mindset and believe that you are capable of taking your business to whatever heights you desire.
Small business is the backbone of our nation, and it will have to rise up and take charge. Your daily effort to grow your business is what is going to save our nation.
Believe in yourself, the future of our nation and always support other small business owners. Success is a choice; make it yours.
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