Your challenge for today has a little prep work:
- Look at your Value Proposition (You do have one, don’t you?) It talks about what makes you different from your competition.
- Look at your Vision Statement.
- Review the “WHY” video. (Why do you do what you do)
- Combine these three important business foundations and write a short paragraph.
Next comes the Challenge:
- Practice reading your paragraph until you have it memorized.
- Ask someone to video tape your recitation on your smart phone
- Transfer the video to U-Tube
- Add the U-Tube link to:
- All your e-mails for the next 30 days.
- Make sure that it is part of your next e-newsletter
- Send it to 10 people and ask them to critic it
- Make sure that I get a Link
2018 has to be the year that both you and your business get seen. This is your start.
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