Your challenge this week is to follow these instructions to either revise your current Value Proposition or to write a new one.
- Who are you as a company?
- Why does it matter?
- Who is your specific Target Market?
- Find the answers to the following questions by visiting with 25 people in your target market that you do not know: (Their Pains)
- What business issues keep them awake at night?
- What are their main difficulties and challenges?
- What risks do they fear?
- What are their Frustrations?
- Questions to find out their Gains:
- What would make your job easier?
- What do you aspire to achieve?
- What would be a big relief for you?
- Competition
- Who is your competition?
- What are their main strengths?
- How does their customer service compare to yours?
- How do their products/services compare to yours?
- What is their web site like?
- What benefits do they offer?
Your Value Proposition is a unique message to your target market that conveys the main reason why they should buy from you. It has to state your competitive differentiation, who you are and why you matter.
Fill in the parenthesis to write your Value Proposition:
- We’re (doing what)
- We help (who) solve (what problem)
- We help (who) accomplish or overcome (problem) by doing (your unique value)
- We are (what customer values) for (Customer Group), who ( have what problem)
Your challenge is to schedule the time to conduct your surveys and start the process for writing your Value Proposition. After you have completed your surveys and written a draft of your Value Proposition, send me a copy and let’s finalize it together.
“Everyone is not your target market.” Seth Godin
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