Unfortunately it is not the night before one of the most joyous events that has ever occurred, but the night before we, the people, have to determine our nation’s future with our vote.
Emotions are running high: the Covid pandemic, the political rhetoric and, to a large degree, the unjustified unrest has gotten in the way of reason.
Make this day a day to think about the history of our Nation, read the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America. These two documents will help you make the right decision in the voting booth. If you don’t have a copy you can download them or read them on line.
No nation like no family is without its ups and downs. The question is, do we want to give up our freedom of religion, or to live how and where we want and run a business if we so desire? These issues are at stake in this election. How you vote will determine the make-up of our nation which our children and grandchildren will inherit.
We have been blessed with the privilege of having a say (vote) in who will lead our nation. Let’s use God’s Blessing to keep our nation free.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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