I developed the Vision Based Business Plan because I believe that every great thing you want to accomplish has to first be a vision. To bring a vision to reality requires you to see yourself having or doing something. This type of visioning will help you see how to do it. The methods to reach your vision are all around you but you first you have to believe that it can be achieved and then let your visioning guide your action steps.
In the BizQuack Education section the presentation on Visioning requires you to set your vision as if you have all the money and time in the world. Carl Sandburg wrote: “Nothing happens unless there is first a dream.”
I want to go a step further. A vision cannot be only in your mind or written down in a few short sentences. Your Vision has to be described in detail and even pictured. What will your business look like? Where will you live? What will you be doing with your success? Describe in detail your future lifestyle.
Many of us use visioning on a smaller scale. We want to buy a new car and we settle on a specific make and model. We may go to the dealership and get a brochure. In some cases we put a picture of our future dream car on our wall. As an example, I have a copy of a listing of a home in the cool country in northern Arizona. I may not be able to afford it yet, but that visual information sheet on my desk is helping me to stay motivated and working towards that goal.
You may not be able to describe the future in detail, but I promise you that having both words and pictures will keep you motivated and on the right track.
You will notice that your dreams will start becoming realities, one small step at a time. The secret is to never give up, no matter what your situation is.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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