What Does Your Website Do?
Let’s convert your website visitors!
Most small businesses have a website. They have a website because they were told that it’s “the thing to do.” Make sure you understand what your website is supposed to accomplish. A website is designed to accomplish one or both of the following things:
- It should turn the viewer into a friend and a friend into a customer.
- It should “talk” in a tone of voice that persuades those looking at your site to believe the “story” you are telling. Use pictures telling a story, a video, or written content.
Once on your site, the viewer will do one of the following:
- Clicks and goes to another destination that you select.
- Clicks and gives you permission to follow up by e-mail or phone.
- Clicks and buys something
- Tells a friend about your website.
If the first two aren’t effective, then the viewer has another option: leave your page and forget they ever saw it.
Remember that a web page is one step in the process.
The purpose of this first step is to get you to the next one. Your web page should have a single focus, and that is to get you to move forward towards an eventual sale, or to gather contact information which will allow you to continue the sales process.
Unfortunately, many websites are asking the viewer to do two, three and even a dozen different things. Just because you can fill up your web site with a multitude of different things does not mean that you should.
Spending money on AdWords will not pay off if your website is not inviting. Make sure it provides a compelling (trust development) story with a call to action to turn your prospect into a friend.
Remember the KISS philosophy when developing your website.
Now that you know that your website has as an objective, look at yours and make the necessary changes so that it can produce the desired results.
Tips and advice by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and founder of BizQuack and Strategic Duck
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