There is no one alive who is YOU-ER that YOU.
What this means is that you are your own personal brand. How people perceive you and what they say about you when you leave the room is all about your personal brand.
Small business owners talk about and spend both time and money in the development of their business brand. It is equally important that, in the world of small business, a personal brand is developed and put forth to your customers and prospects.
The following are a few thoughts on personal brand development:
- The way you present yourself. That encompasses everything from the way you dress to your physical looks. No you don’t have to be dressed in a suit or an evening gown, but you should know the expectations of your customers and prospects and dress accordingly. As my wife constantly reminds me, “put your shoulders back and keep a smile on your face.”
- Be present: That has several meanings: be on time, or a few minutes early, for all your meetings. It means being prepared; it means having a great attitude and, most important, be ready to listen. Along those lines, always try to under promise and over deliver.
- Say the right things: Make sure you sound educated, professional and sincere. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, saying the right things also means knowing when to speak and when to listen.
- Body Language is important: Things like making good eye contact, looking at the person instead of around the room, your phone or your watch. In business most meetings start with a hand shake. The way you shake a hand says a lot about you; greet everyone with a look in the eye, a strong handshake and a smile.
Your personal branding process also says a lot about your personal values which are the center of your business.
Personal Branding, while it costs you nothing, is one of the most important and powerful marketing tools available to you. Take advantage of it.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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