BE YOURSELF. Everyone else is taken!
As we approach the end of 2018 I wanted to share what I consider one of the most important and most significant statements that I wrote.
This past year I have stressed the importance of having an “unlimited vision”, asking you to remove all obstacles including time and money and setting your sights on what you really want to achieve.
2019 can be your “coming out year”. First you have to believe in yourself and then you have to put work clothes on your vision to make it a reality. This year I introduced my new Vision Based Planning system which I hope will become the new standard in business planning.
My promise to you is that by following this new planning process, working 10 times harder and smarter than you did this past year, and taking advantage of all the tools that BizQuack offers, the sky is your limit.
I will continue to be available to support you, listen to you and to guide you when you need it.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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