If you don’t know where you are a map won’t help you. The same applies to a small business owner that is on a journey to grow a business.
In order to grow a small business there are certain items of information that are needed in order to determine your starting point. In working with a mentor the following information will help get you on the right track. There are no right or wrong answers, but your route to success will be influenced by your answers to the following:
· Values: These are enduring, passionate and distinctive core beliefs. They’re guiding principles that never change.
· Personal and Business history: What have you done in the past? Past experience can become a building block for future success. It also points your areas in which more support is needed as well as those that don’t.
· Strengths &Weaknesses: Answering this question constitutes an internal evaluation. It needs to be critical and hard in order to work. The most difficult part is being ruthlessly honest about your real strengths and weaknesses. Allow enough time to answer and to review your answers.
The first part of the BizQuack Vision Based Business Plan is called the Foundation. With knowledge of your answers to the three topics listed above, “The Pre Foundation”, adjustments and decisions can be made in personalizing the overall business plan.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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