“Execution separates the dreamers from the doers: it is the ability to do and get results – to keep moving forward to achieve your vision and goals in business and life despite the challenges, hardships, and obstacles that lie ahead.” The Execution Factor by Kim Perell
A statement that I have used often in my blogs and classes is: Small business owners fail not because they don’t know what to do, but because they fail to do what they know they should do.
At a meeting this morning I was wondering aloud why we did not have more small business owners show up for a presentation on a very informative and necessary topic which is critical to surviving and growing in today’s high tech world. One of the attendees overheard me and said: “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it.”
A discussion ensued on the topic with several different reasons given including a new book on the topic which stated that each of us have a mental dollar amount in our minds which, when reached, all our desires to continue growing disappear.
The key is to find out what motivates someone enough to make something happen. Unfortunately, there is not one factor that applies to everyone. I do, however, believe that a series of actions and support can bridge that gap between inaction and action and between having a limit on your goals and having an unlimited vision.
First there is the pull factor: You can’t push a string of cooked spaghetti up a hill without breaking it apart, but you can pull it to the top. The solution is not to push a small business owner into working harder on his business but to offer a hand-up as the business mountain is climbed.
The second part is to make sure that there is a learning process involved in the climb. The main lesson is that everyone needs someone to be the helping hand; together good habits will be learned and execution happens.
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Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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