We all know that exercising is a necessity when it comes to staying healthy. If you have a concern about your well-being you find time to exercise on a daily basis. Social Media!
One of my “assignments” to my small business clients is to have them participate in a social media marketing plan. I am frequently confronted by, “I don’t have time to do all that social media stuff.”
Just as exercise is a necessity for keeping your body in good condition, social media is a requirement for keeping your business in good condition. If you have been following my blogs and educational sessions, you know that I advocate at least 40% of your time should be spent in marketing. In a forty hour week that comes out to 16 hours a week and a little over 3 hours a day.
Your challenge this week is to set up a regular time for marketing on the web. I am asking that you allocate a minimum of one hour daily for this purpose. (Your maximum should not exceed 1.5 hours per day).
So where to start? Let’s begin by exploring the social media sites such as Twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Make sure you have a business and a personal page in these sites plus any other sites that you feel your target market may be interested in. Spend some time becoming familiar with the formats in each of the social media sites you select. You don’t have to be an expert in all of them before you start. Participating in forums and chat rooms is a great way to get involved.
Blogs, video and e-books are also part of the on-line marketing efforts. I hope that by now all of you have a data base and are using either Constant Contact or Mail Chimp to send out your monthly contact newsletter to your data base.
The secret is to make social media both a part of your life and part of your business. Many small business owners, for example, use Twitter to reach out to buyers. To prove the effectiveness of Twitter, our President uses it almost on a daily basis and most newsworthy happenings in the world are first transmitted via Twitter.
Success comes from experimentation. We know which social media channels are popular today, and we know that new social media channels will dominate in the future.
What today’s challenge is asking you to do is to jump in and see what you can do.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra – CFP, Mentor, and Founder of StrategicDuck and BizQuack.
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