What a great Christmas Day!
This evening, my mind, like I am sure many of yours, is already thinking ahead to 2019. This time of the year always brings hope and a new enthusiasm. “This year is going to be my best ever!” or “Starting January I am going to set the world on fire!” Perhaps you have thoughts similar to these.
Your business vision is set, and next year comes the action.
My challenge for you today is to not wait until the first of the year. You have a week left in 2018 to get a jump start on 2019. Act now while the passion and anticipation is strong, don’t waste this precious energized time. It will certainly diminish by the first week in January.
Take another action item and sign up for my two session, Jan 14 and Jan 28. I promise that they will help you get closer to your vision in 2019.
E-mail me at to sign up and yes, you can invite a guest to join you.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of BizQuack and StrategicDuck
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