I frequently share a book title that I have on my small business recommended reading list. Taking the time to find out what others have done may be the spark you need to take your business to the next level. My current business reference and reading library totals well over 250 books.
My recommended reading for today is entitled The Impact Equation. Its Authors are Chris Brogan and Julien Smith. The following is a brief summary of their Impact Equation:
Impact = C x (R+E+A+T+E)
“Contrast: We could call Contrast differentiation, interest of positioning. When you have the Contrast right, your work strikes people as being something remarkable.”
“Reach: The higher the number of people you can connect with, the more influential your idea can become. Reach is about the size of your list, your number of followers of how many people you connect with in other ways.”
“Exposure: If Reach was all about how many you connect with, Exposure is all about how often you connect with them.”
Articulation: High Articulation means an idea is like a sword, cutting through the fog of the brain and hitting you in exactly the right place to make you understand it.
Trust: Becoming trustworthy is an important factor in all aspects of growing a small business.
Echo: Echo is all about the feeling of connection you give your reader, visitor, target market or customer.
Each of these topics is the subject of an entire chapter in the book. Its easy reading and well worth the time.
If you want a list of my top 25 of 50 recommended books let me know!
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