WANT MORE? Give More!
Business owners are always looking for more: more customers, more profit, more prestige, more publicity, more, more, and more.
Some time ago I introduced the term Give Working instead of Net Working. At a networking session your goal is to see how much you can get for yourself. At a Give Working session your goal is to help others grow their business.
I am a strong advocate for sharing your blessings with others. I believe that a part of every dollar that comes into your business should be shared with those in need.
Your challenge for this week is to review your favorite charities, organizations, or other opportunities where you can help someone less fortunate. There is no right or wrong selection in this process; your selection has to be made from the heart.
Wherever your heart and passion is, that becomes your “cause”. Your challenge is to identify that special cause and to define how much of every dollar that comes into your business will be set aside for that special cause.
The next part is to reach out to that cause and tell them your plans. Next, tell your friends, customers and prospects about your support for this special cause.
Select the cause because you care, not because it will make you look good.
Last but not least, within the next 30 days, please send me an e-mail and tell me who and why you selected that cause.
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