Last evening I invited six small business owners to my office to receive an overview of our innovative new business planning model, Vision Based Business Plan.
Most of the material contained in this session was a summary of classes I offered over the last two years as well as material I used in my consulting practice. My purpose was to test the depth of inward knowledge small business owners had about business planning. The session was very intensive, and a lot of material was presented along with a requested comment from each participant as we looked at an overview of each component.
My excitement was present as we debriefed after the session. Our decision is to offer the Vision Based Business model as hands on workshops for small business owners with no more than 10 participants. Each session will last 2 hours for a total of 12 hours.
Work sheets will be used and each assignment will be completed in the workshop with fine tuning being done at home.
The benefit to small business owners will be the fact that they can continue working IN their business for most of the week and have a solid 2 hours of working ON their business in an innovative and very participatory workshop with other like-minded participants.
A lot of workshop material will have to be finalized as well as a “marketing roll out” of this program to the small business community nationwide. We will have several sessions in our area before we allow other members of our team to offer this in other areas.
Think about developing your own educational sessions for your industry. At BizQuack we are always willing to help you learn new ways of telling your story and sharing your knowledge while increasing your bottom line.
Tips & Advice by Nick Petra, CFP – Founder of Strategic Duck and BizQuack
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