Spend time today working ON your business with the Tuesday Challenge.
Perhaps a different topic for small business owners. I have my own definitions, as follows, for the two terms as they related to small businesses. Footprints: A footprint is a…
Many people, including small business owners and their customers, are sick and tired of “today”, and are demanding a much different tomorrow. Individually, as small business owners, each of us…
An African Proverb If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. I am facing many personal challenges at this time in my…
One of the greatest challenges anyone can ever face is losing something and then realizing what they lost. Giving up on a business and then realizing its lost potential is…
The covid pandemic has caused many small business owners to lock themselves in their closets with their computer and to avoid personal contact via telephone or in person. While e-commerce…
Your challenge this week is to review the following points and make sure that they are included in your marketing material: Are you providing a differentiated buying experience? Everything in marketing…
Virtual selling is becoming more commonplace, with a growing number of small business owners realizing that they need to adapt and learn how to sell in the virtual as well…
Leadership is not only about making money, or being liked, or being a leader in your industry. It’s not about having your name in the paper or belonging to the…
Within the next 30 days, an opportunity will arise which can change your world. No, you do not know about it, nor can you see it, but it will appear….
For the past month I have been following small business owners that have shared their biggest challenges. Even as we are beginning to see the light at the end of…
2020 was a year in which many small business owners were flying by “the seat of their pants”. New ways of marketing and communicating were forced upon small businesses. I…
Nothing motivates like success! Your challenge for this week is to get a “Quick Win.” Quick wins build a steppingstone to more quick wins and more quick wins eventually lead to realizing your vision. Coming out of…
Everything that your customers or prospects need to know about you, your company, your products, your services and benefits they provide need to be presented within the first five minutes….
Within the next three months you are going to run across something that’s going to change your world. It’s going to be something you don’t know about, haven’t thought about…
If you are competing on price when you market your product or service, you are heading in the wrong direction. Let me use the watch as an example. Owning a…
Yesterday I met a small business owner for lunch. We had not met in person for over a year, since COVID, and I noticed how “stiff” he was walking. During…
This past year has been one of the most unusual years in the recent memory. Our lives, both business and personal, were changed beyond our wildest imagination. A simple challenge…
Beneficial communications, without the expectation of receiving something in return, is a major component for a growing business. Your challenge for today is simple but very worthwhile. In the past…
At least in my opinion, there appears to be a little more confidence about getting back to an “old normal.” The arrival of the first two vaccines and now the…
You LEARN from the past. You LIVE in the present. You PREPARE for the future. Each period is rooted in the circumstances of its time. The challenge is to understand the three periods and how they…
2020 was a year of challenges and 2021 is the year that we make the necessary adjustments to continue helping small business owners achieve sustainability and profitability. One of my…
Your challenge for today and everyday is to help our great nation survive and grow. Recent events this past year such as the COVOD-19, political unrest, and a host of…
Action is the key word in today’s challenge. Most everyone agrees that the new normal will be different than the “old normal”. You have a choice, wait and see what…
2021 will still remain a stressful year for many business owners; the pandemic will not disappear. In fact, I just received a text that Arizona led the nation today in…
The following is a copy of The Dwyer Group Code of Values. Your challenge for this week is to look at this example and create your own Code of Values….
No. It’s one of the smallest words in our language, but for many it is one of the most difficult words to say. As small business owners we are often…
You are never finished improving your small business until you sell it. Continuous improvement is a must for growth. Status Quo is another word for a declining business. I don’t…
Two Important marketing words! Our last blog, Virtual Communications, explored the importance of being seen by your prospects and customers. Today we are going to look at two very important…
It is important that we learn from our mistakes as well as our success. 2020 will go down in history as one of uncertainty and turmoil. We are not out…
There are thousands of things to pay attention to these days. Your challenge this week is to cut that number down to four. In today’s market the key words are…
Leading a full and successful life, both socially and in business, requires knowledge of what is happening in the world around us. News services, including cable, offer the news that…
It has been on the news, in my blogs, on the internet and most everywhere else you turn , the old normal will not return. Perhaps a small segment of…
Your challenge this week is to determine what needs a change in focus. In the course of growing your business there are a multitude of things that require your attention….
I equate innovation to the development and understanding of the unsatisfied wants, needs, and desires that exist in our world today. “Something different that creates value.” A good starting point…
Small business success is predicated on growing a business that brings you JOY. The growth of small businesses is necessary for the U.S. economy to survive and stabilize. Yes, the…
Your brand is your selling point to your customers, prospects and referral partners. In this case I am not talking about the logo or graphic design; I am using the…
Business owners are always looking for more: more customers, more profit, more prestige, more publicity, more, more, and more. Some time ago I introduced the term Give Working instead of…
“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” Peter F. Drucker This quote from one of my favorite authors reminds us that…
As a small business owner I don’t believe that you can ever have an empty mind; it will always be focused on something. The question I have is, “What is…
Sooner or later this pandemic is going to ease up, and we people will once again be out and about. Your challenge for today is to make a list of…
The cover story in the June issue of my Financial Advisor magazine was titled “Survival of the Happiest.” As small business owners we have a responsibility to reach out to…
Your challenge for this week is to reflect on your target market and to answer the following questions. What do they do? How do they do it? When do they…
First let’s start with a definition: A Virtual summit is an online conference which has as its purpose to grow your online presence and business, and it also helps establish…
Now, more than ever, the formation of Strategic Alliances is more important than ever. Go back to the blog section of your dashboard and insert strategic alliance in the search…
Many small business owners work out of their homes. The COVID-19 has increased that number and it may become the “new normal.” Today’s challenge is what I consider a “feel…
For the past several months, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, I have written about the change that our target markets are undergoing. I maintain their pains are different…
What counts is not who you know but who knows you! Saying that you know a “lot” of people will not help you grow a business unless those…
Every small business owner that is serious about growing a business wants to give their prospects, customers and referral sources a “world-class experience,” which can be defined as vastly exceeding…
Many people base their “buy or not buy” decision on the testimonials of others. This past 10 days I have asked seven small business owners to send me testimonials they…
During the last few months of the COVID-19 pandemic we have been bombarded with bad news, including high unemployment, small businesses closing and this past week we have added another…
Taking things slow and easy is the wrong philosophy to adopt as businesses are trying to reopen. Recovering revenue over a long period of time will not give you the…
JC Penny filed for bankruptcy among many others. Small business owners do not make headline news when they close, but many will never re-open. As small business owners we must…
Each of us has to make a choice as to where we want to go and where we want to be at a future date. My Tuesday Challenges are often…
Operating a small business has not really changed in decades. Sure, new tools such as the telephone and then the internet brought about some changes, but the basic format of…
Not too long ago you were inspired to build your own business and open the doors. Maybe you turned your hobby into a full-time job or found the solution to…
What makes our business lives difficult is that the process of confronting and solving problems is not easy. We must understand that problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes between…
I received a text from one of our members this morning the following is a short excerpt: “I enjoyed my business, I like interacting with people. The lack of work…
There has to be a starting point and for our system the start consists of setting a monthly financial goal. As small business owners we have two categories in which…
BizQuack is a community and as such, we should support one another. Isolation is not something that we should strive for. For your challenge today, please answer the following…
As small business owners the coronavirus has affected each of us in a different way, but the bottom line result is that our concerns are business related. Worrying about the…
This is the best time to step back and take a look at how you present yourself on-line. Many small business owners put a profile on LinkedIn or other social…
Your challenge this week is to read Monday’s blog and to set up your first mini-trade show. Take the following steps: From your data base create a list of 8…
For your challenge this week I have selected a book for you to read and to make it part of your business library. Before you stop reading this blog, understand…
Last evening I participated in a discussion group which was very different than most of the discussion groups I have been a part of in the last few years. Unlike…
Being able to focus on the right target is imperative for small business growth. Most business owners have an idea as to who their prime target is, but, they may…
Many small business owners are a “one-person-shop.” I want to suggest an alternative to being in business alone. There are many names by which we can identify others that work…
Technology has helped all of us in a wide variety of ways. We use it every day to grow our businesses and take advantage of new advances in medicine to…
Yes, you can do it.! Your challenge for this week will help set the foundation for 2020. For this challenge I want you to work in reverse. Instead of setting…
Doing things that we are not accustomed to, no matter how much they may help grow our business, is very difficult. Today’s challenge is one of those “things”. Your challenge…
Is your business like a kitchen or a desk? Is it clean on the outside but when you open up a kitchen or desk drawer is it stuffed full of…
Your challenge for this week is to write your positioning statement. A positioning statement is an expression of your business’s strategy. It should be simple and straight forward .Each phrase…
Having a goal in your mind only is worthless. A written goal is only a little better unless an action plan is developed. An action plan without time lines and…
Your target market is bombarded with both noise and visual messages. There are millions even billions of active social media users every month. Millions of blogs are posted daily. Over…
Thanksgiving is less than a month away. Each of us have a lot to be thankful for, especially our customers, and referral partners. (Yes, our family, friends and opportunities are…
It is easy to become so immersed in your business that it takes over all of your thinking process. Your challenge today is to take a step back and write…
All of us fall into one of these three categories. According to a recent survey, 25% of us are givers, 19 % of us are takers and 56 percent are…
“Execution separates the dreamers from the doers: it is the ability to do and get results – to keep moving forward to achieve your vision and goals in business and…
TUESDAY CHALLENGE: Organization in the World of Small Business Lessons are learned by observation. In my case, my frequent visits to a Starbucks provided an important lesson in the critical…
Zig Ziglar wrote: Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them, and the day will come when you will be able to…
Every one of us has something hidden in the depths of our minds. Whether you are a business owner and want to try something different in marketing, management, staff, etc.,…
Every Tuesday you receive a new challenge, a challenge that I create based on my experience with other small business owners. They share their challenges with me and I pass…
Your challenge today is to answer, in writing, the following questions: Who are you trying to please? Are you trying to make a living, make a difference, or leave a…
Postponement and procrastination are two “bad guys” in the world of small businesses. I developed this action today process for one of my clients. Your challenge is to follow this format one day…
Frequently I have asked you to write down your vision for your business with no restrictions on time or money. If you did your homework, your vision may have words…
If you take a look at two of my websites, www.strategicduck.com and www.BizQuack.com you will notice that one is in a state of “flux” and the other just updated its…
Our message is on everything we do in the way of marketing. It’s on our website, business cards, social media posts, etc. By making all our marketing material “easy to…
Reaching your ultimate vision first requires reaching many smaller goals. Your challenge today: Review your Vision. Next make a list of the most important goals that you have identified that…
Your challenge today is to take a realistic look at your contacts, both off line and online. In my blog entitled No More Networking I emphasized the importance…
Today’s challenge may be one of the most important ever presented. Most small business marketing is done online. New techniques are constantly being introduced; more content, more graphics, more words,…
Marketing is an ongoing process for small business owners. Your challenge today is to develop a plan of action which includes the planning of a “Blitz” campaign. I define a…
We hear a lot about the economic situation in our country as well as the world. While they may cause a lot of stress in our lives, in my opinion,…
Small business owners often work without a budget and without a clear plan of the amount of money they need to reach their most important goal. The “what I would…
As part of growing your business, you have established goals which, when reached, will move you closer to your vision. As each goal is reached, it’s like taking a powerful…
Many small businesses are interwoven with the owner’s personal life. The money that the small business generates is used to buy food, make mortgage payments, etc., as well as to…
Your challenge for today is short but very important to the future growth of your business. Answer the following question: In answering this question focus on…
“You won’t see how to do it until you see yourself doing it” Visualization is an important skill for all small business owners. The Biz Quack Vision Based Business Plan…
First let me share a few statistics: Since 2016 e-commerce has accounted for more than 40 % of US retail sales growth. 82% of US shoppers reported spending more money…
Referrals are considered by many to be the “life-blood” for growing a small business. Referrals are a two way process. You have to give a good referral in order to…
Your challenge today is to write down the most important action you can take which will benefit your business the most. Next, write down all the steps you have to…
WHERE DO YOU WANT TO BE A YEAR FROM TODAY? As small business owners you are all in the business of connecting. I remember hearing the following: “The only difference…
Let’s define the term Disruptive Innovation:” Disruptive innovation is something that creates a new market or transforms an existing one through simplicity, convenience, accessibility, or affordability.” For me, this definition…
A structured finance team is one of the last things that a business startup thinks about; the same holds true for many existing small businesses. There are some legitimate reasons…
The internet has made on-line marketing an inexpensive process, but one that is essential for small business owners. Your challenge for today is to see how you stack up in…
To start this challenge remember the following: your customers don’t need to buy, but want to fulfill their needs. How can you possibly suggest the best solution to your customers…
Write and Give A Talk Your challenge for this week requires a three step process: What is the biggest challenge that your target market (identify your target market) faces? a. Does…
The Tuesday Challenge is an integral part of the BizQuack process. Experience has shown that many small business owners spend very little time working on their businesses. It is so…
Today’s challenge is to undertake several action items that are not part of your everyday business life. Without action there can be no forward progress. At the same time, doing…
Networking with the right people is essential for the success of any business (and by extension, for those involved with that business). Whether you’re meeting a client to discuss a…
Digitization, automation, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and a host of other innovations continue to transform the nature of work, how it gets done and by whom. Large companies (60% of…
Business strategy has received many definitions, mostly to do with budgets, market share, and structured growth. Your challenge today is to consider a new definition for small business strategy. To…
There are drivers, which when satisfied, lead to a sale. As small business owners one of our most important jobs is selling our product or service. Knowing what drives our…
I presented a session on Data Base Management last evening. In attendance were three of our BizQuack Community members. I asked a generic question to start the session: “How many…
In the course of our lives, both personal and business, each of us has met many more people than we can remember. In that group there were people that, perhaps,…
What is the biggest concern that you have about your business? What is preventing you from making steady progress towards your vision? The first part of this challenge is to…
In the past I have stressed the importance of adding a membership component to your business. The subscription model is exploding worldwide. Most businesses, large and small, are not set…
What a great Christmas Day! This evening, my mind, like I am sure many of yours, is already thinking ahead to 2019. This time of the year always brings hope…
Two weeks left in 2018! Make the most of it! There are fourteen days left in 2018. This time of the year is usually a time when small business owners…
In January I will be offering two new educational sessions. TOday’s challenge is to mark your calendar and plan to attend. It’s an easy one today! Target Market – Identification…
“Waste Time” is that time within your 40% marketing time that is not being used efficiently. (At BizQuack we advocate a minimum of 40% of your work time be devoted…
If you are like most people and you become familiar with the streets near your home and business, you probably travel the same streets every day. Likewise, you know the…
In today’s high tech, rapid change environment, a small business owner has to know more and do more than previous generations of small business owners. Today’s challenge is to make…
TAKE THE CHALLENGE! It is so easy to get comfortable in our daily business routines. Change is often avoided because it makes us uncomfortable. Change can be something as simple…
Your challenge today is to find the statistics for your website. How many visitors have you had? Need to know how much business you actually actual received as a result…
BizQuack has presented a few years of Tuesday Challenges so if you missed one or didn’t have time, go back and review and find one to implement now or in…
It is important for sustainable growth to know where you are in your business on a monthly basis. Your challenge today is to create a “cash in and cash out”…
No business owner can, in my opinion, completely avoid a “cold call” while growing a business. Cold call reluctance is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in small business growth….
In my experience there is nothing as challenging or as fulfilling as meeting a deadline. I also describe it as a beautiful happening because of the self-satisfaction and serenity…
Many small business owners (including commission sales people) work from home. I have found that there is a lack of “productive discipline” in many cases. There are a lot of…
“You can’t grow long-term if you can’t eat short term.” This quote came from Jack Welch, CEO of GE. Although GE is a large company, this quote is very applicable…
WORK TO BECOME MORE VISIBLE If your target market does not know how to find you, your business won’t grow. Your challenge this week is to answer the following questions…
STICK TO YOUR VISION This past week I received several, what I call disturbing, e-mails. The message was to start planning now for next year. The recommendation was to take…
What’s Your Story? Every business has information that can contribute to the education of a target market and a customer base. Your challenge this week is to dig deep into…
Find a new way to stand out and get people talking! We talk all the time about differentiation in business. How do we stand out from our competitors? We can’t…
Let people know you are out there! expo Is your marketing limited to the following? Social media Printed material Blogs Newsletters Networking Your challenge today is to book a “trade…
Your challenge this week is to review your productivity. Let me start by saying that productivity has nothing to do with how much you do, but has everything to do…
We all know that exercising is a necessity when it comes to staying healthy. If you have a concern about your well-being you find time to exercise on a daily…
One of the greatest challenges most small business owners face is that of discipline. It’s hard to keep your nose to the “grindstone” as a single person operation. Good habits…
Step out of your comfort zone and do something you’ve never done before! Emergencies cause us to move, to do things that we thought were impossible. There are so many…
As a small business owner you can never stop learning. You’ll never have ALL the answers or ALL the ideas you need to grow your business so we continue to…
What are the mainstays of your business? And what needs to change? For the past several years BizQuack has been using this statement: The only constant is change. To quote…
Reaching out to prospects…again Prospect: Someone interested in buying something from you. Another definition: Prospects are people who may know about you but have never spent money with you. Let’s…
ENERGIZE YOUR MARKETING PLAN We are approaching the middle of 2018. I hope that most of you started the year with a new marketing plan. Your challenge this week is…
EXPLORE HOW THESE MIGHT WORK IN YOUR BUSINESS I spent the morning at a high tech marketing seminar for small businesses. The speakers were small business owners who shared their…
LISTEN TO INDUSTRY LEADERS “Listening first and engaging second should be key to your social media approach” Your challenge this week is to begin a process of “listening”. Read and…
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SUMMER! Summer Time! School is out; the push is on to take a family vacation. The kids take up a lot more of your time all summer…
Ensure Everyone Brings Value to the Team In the past I have challenged you to form a Business Support Team. If you have done so, then you are realizing the…
Today’s challenge is to put yourself into the shoes of your customer and answer the following questions. Why should I even visit with you? Do you know my pains? What…
Find a Segment That’s Craving Your Service Your challenge today is to take a narrow look at your target market. By narrow, I mean that you should identify a segment…
I was asked by a member last week why we publish a Tuesday challenge. The majority of the challenges are a means of getting you to stop working in your…
The biggest challenge that every small business owner faces is doing what they know they should and have to do. Your challenge for this Tuesday is to write down the…
Commit to a Niche! At a recent conference I was challenged with the possibility that small business owners may have to look outside “online” marketing as the best channel to…
The well-being of small business is closely related to that of the business owner. Nowhere is that more evident than in the area of financial well-being. Some small business owners…
NEED A FEW NEW IDEAS? KEEP READING! Getting new business is still one of the major challenges for small business owners. I will list 10 free marketing ideas. Your…
Growing a business is not always exciting. Effective time management is worth exploring. There are certain things that will motivate you and usually those are the things that you pay…
Many small businesses suffer from a lack of working capital. Your challenge this week is to take a look ahead for the next 12 months and to determine the amount…
Things don’t always go according to plan. A small business has to be ready for change. One of the major advantages of a small business should be its ability to…
These two statements are the foundation of your business. They are not meant to be kept a secret. Your challenge today is to send an e-mail to your ten closest…
Your Challenge for today is as follows: Take a look at this BizQuack Marketing Link. This was created as a sample for BizQuack. Next, go to sway.com or find it…
This week’s challenge is simple, reach out and set an appointment with someone you don’t know and have never spoken to before. The appointment should be in a coffee shop…
Bad things happen to good people! This week I was called to help close a small business. The owner passed away un-expectedly and the surviving spouse had no…
Your challenge for today has a little prep work: Look at your Value Proposition (You do have one, don’t you?) It talks about what makes you different from your competition….
The first work day in 2018 and I want to set the “push-pace” for the year. “Push-pace” means that you are ready to take responsibility and to…
This is a special accountability challenge that I would like to offer to our current membership; it will not be offered again in this format. This offer is only available…
Getting noticed by the public is the key to a successful business. There are many ways to make that happen whether it’s meeting people one by one or organizing a larger than…
Your challenge this week is to follow these instructions to either revise your current Value Proposition or to write a new one. Who are you as a company? Why does…
Part of our topic for our class next Monday has to do with Differentiation. (This is the session that will be offered at the Scottsdale public Library, 3839 N Drinkwater…
I often ask prospective clients “What is your burning passion”? What excites you so much that you don’t want to stop working on a project? If you could do anything…
Like any other tool, you must first pick it up and use it in order to accomplish the desired results. We will be making some…
Like an ostrich, if we stick our head in the ground, we don’t know what is going on around us and we feel safe. Not doing things…
Happy Halloween! Your challenge this week may be scary for a few of you, but I you need to press on and accomplish this important challenge. Please…
BizQuack is still a work in progress, however, everything that has been developed thus far, has a purpose and it has been proven to work. The basic premise for how…
As a Certified Financial Planner, I have to draw your attention today to what I consider is the greatest challenge among small business owners and that…
Every week I see small business owners either buried in paperwork or totally ignoring paperwork. This important aspect of business growth has to be systematized and kept up to date….
Almost every profession has a trade association. Your challenge this week is to find out all you can about your trade association. In most cases your trade association is on…
Rudyard Kipling first introduced the five W’s and one H in his poem “The Elephant’s Child” written in 1902. Since its introduction this concept has been used as a guiding…
Most small business owners fail or never get past the barely breaking even point, in my opinion, because they give up to soon. The ability to persist towards a vision…
Money is a topic that is never far from the thoughts of any small business owner or solo entrepreneur; we are happy when it comes in and sad when…
You have heard me or read my articles on the importance of using print copy as a part of your overall marketing strategy. Your very important challenge today is as…
BizQuack is a community of small business owners who want to take their businesses to the next level. They want to increase their bottom line and grow. The opportunities available…
Let’s start off with a definition of waste: “Waste is anything that adds to a company’s cost which is not valued by the customer.” The result of waste elimination translates…
Getting in front of people not just online but in person has always been a challenge for small business owners. What is important to realize is that people still want…
Your challenge today is to “regroup.” Start with your dashboard, click on the Tuesday Challenge button and review some of the past Tuesday Challenges. There are so many challenges that…
Businesses seldom complain about having too much cash flow; however, the major complaint is not having the capital necessary to survive or to take a business to the next level….
Most of us like to give to or help someone. It makes us feel good inside and even proud of the fact that we were able to provide some type…
Have you tried SWAY by Microsoft? Sway is part of the Microsoft Office 365 Suite and provides another avenue for creating proposals, marketing campaigns, digital fliers, presentations, and more. Take…
Your challenge is to make every day a celebration in honor of our Independence and to give thanks for the great country we live in which allows us to have…
It is time to create a new single page flyer on your business. Status quo is not acceptable in the world of marketing and the best way to see where…
This week I am heavily involved in the kick-off of a fund raising campaign for one of my clients. Our goal is to raise 200 million dollars to build a…
As small business owners we often visualize having it all! The truth is, you can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want. In the “create your…
The biggest need that I hear about from business owners is an increase in their revenue. Very few businesses fail because they have too much business. In other words, they…
What takes up your time? The work you do during a normal day or week in your business should have a dollar value placed by the type of work. Your…
In your education section under the Marketing tab, there is a session on why and how to write a “Pitch Deck”. Your challenge is to go to that section of…
Sometimes a non-business issue awakens a business issue that should be addressed. For Mother’s Day my daughter and her family along with my wife and I, decided that a picnic…
A very important marketing tool is a collection of testimonials from current and past customers, business acquaintances, community leaders, your vendors and even friends. The best time to ask for…
Technology has taken away the human touch aspects of doing business. Our communications are primarily conducted via e-mail, text messaging or social media. Your challenge this week is to design,…
We set limits on ourselves and our businesses because we start a new venture based on the resources we have at the beginning. A more mature business, say one to…
As a small business owner it is important to understand the difference between Inbound and Outbound marketing. Before the internet most marketing efforts were outbound. Outbound marketing interrupts your target…
Generating word of mouth is one of the most sought after marketing methods. Millions of dollars are spent by a variety of businesses, all with the attempt to get people…
Concentrating on the metro Phoenix area, the following information was obtained from the March 31st edition of the Phoenix Business Journal. Phoenix’s ace in the hole – 222 people move…
I recently met a small business owner who was lamenting that his “community” was not using his company when they need the services he currently provides. This is a story…
No small business owner has all the puzzle pieces needed to grow a sustainable profitable business. But, each business owner has a puzzle piece that will fit in another small…
Your challenge for today is a little different. As a member, BizQuack provides many opportunities to grow your business; however, this will only work if you…
One of the greatest fears that people have is public speaking. Today, your challenge is to do a little public speaking in the comfort of your home or office. The…
For many businesses the majority of their profit and growth comes from additional sales to existing customers and from their referrals. Your challenge today is to first, identify…
One of the most exciting times in the life of a business owner is the day the business is launched. Emotions are riding high as is the belief in…
Not just because it is Valentine’s Day; your business has to have a heart in order to live and grow. Your business had a birth date and, like children, it…
On the 3rd of February the posted blog was “I know who you are but…” The point of the message was that a lot of people may know who you…
Every Friday I receive my copy of the Phoenix Business Journal. Sometime over the weekend I spend about 20 minutes looking at each page and asking myself whether there anything…
Today’s challenge is to stop doing things that keep you from doing the things you need to do to achieve your vision. In the world of small business the most…
Your challenge this week is to become familiar with the concept of Content Marketing and to learn to keep it in sharp focus as you further develop your marketing….
No business can survive without customers, and your value proposition is created to satisfy the needs of those customers. As a business, you cannot rest on past performance or…
I have several hundred books in my business library, and I selected a book that I believe should become the foundation for your success in 2017. Your challenge this week…
Working on next year’s goals is an important objective. I believe that it is of equal importance to review your accomplishments and disappointments that you experienced this past year. We…
Your challenge this week is to review your business strategies. Most business owners follow one of two strategies: This strategy focuses on being the cheapest in the market place. In…
Your challenge today is to review and update your LinkedIn profile. With over 400 million (and growing) subscribers, I still believe that LinkedIn is one of the best sources…
Saying “Thank You” is one of the most important things we can do. We take so much for granted that we sometimes forget to tell others how much we appreciate…
Your challenge this week is to start the process of selecting your most important goal for 2017. What follows is a building block method that should eventually lead you to…
A budget is similar to a business plan; without a budget you won’t know where you are and what you need to do to get to your final destination at…
Your challenge this week is to create a blog. First, let me define a blog: it’s a communication tool for both your current customers as well as future customers. A…
Before I share today’s challenge, I want to acknowledge that today is Election Day in our great country. In my opinion, this is the most important election in…
BECOME KNOWN AS A GIVING BUSINESS A few days ago there was an article about a homeless man who had both legs amputated below the knee. After his allotted stay…
Cooperative marketing occurs when organizations or a group of businesses with the same type of product or complimentary products, work together to encourage people to buy their products. Today’s…
WHAT DOES YOUR TAG LINE SAY ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? Today’s challenge is to have you review your tag line, or build one if you don’t have one. Let’s review what…
Giving your customer something more than they expect should be the ongoing goal of a well-run business. Your challenge for today is to review your deliverables (products/service) and find a…
You put together a budget for this month and guess what, your income exceeded your projections and your expense did not. There may actually be a little money left over…
“Change is the only constant in our business lives.” This statement has become the “by-word” for most businesses in the last decade. Technology has changed the way we run our…
Innovation is an important part of the business growth process Today’s challenge is to take a forward look at your business and or industry. Start this process by having a…
It is important to understand who are your best prospects. The best source is the client who has already dealt with you. Second is the one referred to you by a…
Checking the status of your “Traction” is your focus for the week. Traction is a sign that you are growing, that your customer base is expanding and that your bottom…
Keeping paying customers and finding new ones is the life line for business survival and growth. Networking is one of the major methods for customer and referral generation. Staying in…
IS YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE IN DEMAND? Knowing if your product or service is in demand is essential when first starting a business. It is equally important to answer…
There is a lot more to Branding…. Small business now must take the branding process as an important part of growing a business. A brand is the difference between a…
THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Personal Database Management This week’s assignment is one of the basic building blocks for any small business; whether you are selling a product or service, this is…
Today is a new day. It’s Tuesday and time to set the work “on” your business in motion. Today’s challenge is part of planning a business and although you might…