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Small business owners that are part of a community and are engaged and participate in community activities have access to exponentially more people who contribute to their mission and objectives….
If your memory, both short term and long term, is like mine, then many important things are often forgotten. Brilliant ideas, important things that need to be completed, people that…
My blog on 2.24.22 featured the Five Second Rule with regards to your web page. Today is a continuation on how to best get your website ready for visitors. It…
6 STEPS TO SMALL BUSINESS GROWTH There is no magic elixir in the form of a product or service that is going to instantaneously solve a small business owner’s problems. …
Your challenge this week is to review the following points and make sure that they are included in your marketing material: Are you providing a differentiated buying experience? Everything in marketing…
These two words are the foundation builders for achieving a vision. It’s not easy to start and grow a small business; obstacles are the growth bumps that you will encounter…
Refresher rules: Stay grounded: This requires one to maintain a level of calmness, regardless of the challenges that come along. Always work on growth: Always focus on what could be…
It’s time to become more active in the growth process of our businesses. The Covid pandemic has lulled many of us in to a slower and less aggressive growth process….
People need people in all aspects of human life. In this article we will look at the necessity for community living from a business point of view. A sense of…
This past 14 months have been a nightmare for many small business owners. The secret that successful small business owners know is that even if adversity strikes, they can work…
“The value of a future goal is the present change it fosters.” I read this sentence some time ago and it keeps resonating in my mind. In other words when…
As small business owners we all spend a lot of our time planning, evaluating, and second guessing the future direction our small business should take. We were not prepared for…
It has been about one year ago that we really started becoming aware of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. During that year most small businesses suffered the most damage…
It is called the telephone and it does amazing things: It allows you to talk to a real person (most of the time). You can get a question answered in…
Success in 2021 and going forward, for the small business owner, must be in keeping with the definition of the term “Common Good.” In philosophy, economics, and political science, the…
Age should never be the deciding factor when it comes to starting a new business. What counts is the person’s mind-set, belief in themselves and the willingness to do whatever…
By this time, in the first month of a new year, you have either started working on your goal or procrastinated and never got started. I would venture to say…
There is so much we can learn from new technology that we have adopted into our style of living. The purpose for creating a “smart house” is to ease our…
So much time is spent on marketing and internal office systems that a necessary growth skill is often overlooked. Although People Skills deals mostly with common sense, it is worth…
2021 Will be known as a year of major change, transition for everyone. We may even call it the fulfillment of the 4th Industrial Revolution – Digitally enabled proactivity. The following information…
The last few days have set in motion another major change as the political parties in our nation hands “the running of our country reins” from one party to another….
The secret to growing a sustainable and profitable business is to first know where you are going. While goals are important and give us something to aim for, it is…
The 10th session of Re-Launch was completed last evening. Our meetings were live, one hour educational meetings held over a five week period on Tuesday’s and Fridays. The format included…
Trying Times are no time to quit trying. Perseverance is a necessary trait during down times when we are so tempted to give up. Businessman H. Ross Perot said: “A…
2020 was like no other year in most of our lives. The COVID pandemic was made worst by the riots and political upheaval resulting in a total disruption of our…
A POWERFUL STORY ABOUT FOCUSING ON FUTURE ACHEIVEMENTS. With your goal and growth plan in hand for 2021 your next step is to visualize the work you have to do…
Step back and take a fresh look at your digital strategy for 2021. I suggest that you pretend that this is the first time you have actually determined your digital…
15 Traits that can hinder success. For Long Term Success Give up these Detrimental Traits. As an avid reader I have several favorite authors that I purchase most everything that…
Make this the time of year when you reach out to your current & past customer base, your referral base, and your prospects. (I know you will automatically reach out…
Yes, there is hope for a vaccine distribution in the near future but growing your business using Virtual Selling is always going to be with us. It may seem that…
We are approaching what I call the “goal setting crunch time.” Many small business owners set multiple goals every year; much time and sometimes a lot of paper/computer notes are…
This blog is based upon an article written by Dan Bunyan and Vikram Dhaliwal entitled “Forward to Normal“. I have taken some of their concepts and converted them to the…
America’s great business successes are not the companies that did what others did, but a little better. They are the businesses that decided to do things a whole lot differently….
“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.” Reid Hoffman, cofounder of LinkedIn No matter what business…
Bartering has been with us for thousands of years and has remained a popular tactic in business. We can define bartering as the act of trading a service or product…
I don’t want to work that hard, I just want the potential results. When faced with the challenge of having to make a decision between where you are now and…
It’s time for both a business and its owner to rejuvenate and plan for a highly successful and profitable 2021. Let’s leave the political unrest, the economic turmoil and the…
Be the best YOU every day! Make the commitment.
We have been so busy arguing among ourselves about politics, watching many of our cities being taken over by rioters and worrying about the Covid-19 pandemic that many feel that…
I had dinner with my daughter and her family this week. My grandson invited me to watch a video on Netflix which his art teacher had assigned as homework. (Chef’s…
On a weekly basis I hear the “Why it can’t be done” from small business owners. These examples were written by Seth Godin. The best thing to do with this…
“The only difference between where you are right now, and where you’ll be next year at this same time, are the people you meet and the books you read.” Charlie…
It’s 10:30 at night on election night as I am writing this blog. No decision has been reached on the presidential race. We may not know who the winner is…
Unfortunately it is not the night before one of the most joyous events that has ever occurred, but the night before we, the people, have to determine our nation’s future…
Never before have I seen such “what ifs” being bandied around. The talk around the office “water cooler” centers on what to do if one candidate of the other wins…
Pay attention to cash flow and your budget. “80% of small business start-ups across the world fail because of poor cash-flow management.” Cash flow management requires a plan and a…
The COVID-19 pandemic will be with us for the foreseeable future. It has not only affected the way we live, but it has greatly affected the way we conducted our…
All the memorable people in history had their individual dreams. They were both remembered and successful because they lived and breathed that dream. Discouraging comments from other people did not…
The exciting part of growing a small business is the marketing and product/service development; it’s the excitement of making a sale. On the other hand, the least exciting and the…
Building new personal business relationships in the COVID environment The COVID environment will be with us at least thru the end of 2020, although, some are predicting that it will…
Let’s start by looking at the difference between Scaling and Growth. The best comparison I have heard is as follows: “Growth refers to an increase in revenue whereas Scaling refers…
SINGULARITY Branding is defined as the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising, distinctive design and public relations. The following are short sentences that I associate…
The next 30 days are going to be significant for your business planning process. It’s not a question of who wins the election; there will be turmoil and disruptions in…
THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Monday Inspiration I received a book mark in the mail this past week with the following message. I thought it would be awesome way for all of…
The follow up process is still one of the most important functions that a small business owner must do to grow a successful business. In this blog, I am staying…
Starting and growing a small business is a series of problems. However, problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes between success and failure. Problems call forth our courage and force…
There are many ways, at least numerically, to achieve this goal. For example, you can collect $1 from a million people or a penny from a hundred million people. Let’s…
……THE LESS PEOPLE HEAR! Answer the following questions: Who are you? What do you do? Why do you do it? Take a few minutes and answer these questions, not in…
A person is called a leader based on the level of his or her effectiveness in the areas that they are supposed to be effective. Every person has the potential…
Picking the most important topic to discuss as we begin the 4th quarter of what may be remembered as the most unusual year in our life time has been a…
Nobody ever said that running a small business was an easy task. It has become even more complicated if you get embroiled in the bad news that is swirling around…
A different definition for this word: Let’s define Platform as: “The combination of tools you use to reach others and communicate ideas.” Using this definition, what is your platform? How…
Learning is an ongoing requirement for small business growth. One of the best ways to learn is to read worthwhile books. My book recommendation for today is titled “The Impact…
From the person who has a dream for a new business to the established business owner who has an idea for a new product/service, there exists a silent killer named…
“To drive your business to success, try to view opportunities through the front windshield and not the rear view mirror”. I don’t know where I heard that statement but it…
With the uncertainties that we face in our day to day lives I recommend that you keep your eyes always on your long term vision but that your action plans…
Today we celebrate a double anniversary; my daughter and her husband were married on our anniversary (many years apart). I am very grateful for the many blessings I have had…
Networking was a prime source for making small business “deals” (making a sale or obtaining a good referral); unfortunately, many small business owners are sitting on the sideline waiting for…
Loyalty is a result, not a process. Building solid relationships with others (customers, friends, prospects, etc.), is the key to getting the loyalty that is needed to grow a business…
“Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute…
The old saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” needs to be brought up to date. I am suggesting that in today’s environment it should read: “Don’t put…
Aditional emphasis will be placed on BizQuack members supporting each other. Starting in September we will be offering two GIVEWORKING (a better version of networking) sessions each month. They will…
You are going to have to work for it. If we use March 1st as the starting date of the Covid-19 pandemic then today we are completing the first six…
I took time this evening to tune in to day three of the RNC as I had done the previous two nights. Overall it was awesome! Being always in a…
Business Dreams and Visions include making a worldwide impact. As a result many small business owners are in a hurry to play in the big game. I am going to…
Every day has to be a stepping stone to tomorrow. That means more than just “surviving” another day; it means that the word success has to be inserted into the…
What is an idea worth? I challenge you to try to sell an idea and see what its value is. I believe that you will find that in most cases…
Entrepreneurship is for all businesses, small or large, new or established. The culture of entrepreneurship is one that is maintained by the owner in a very small business or the…
Small business owners should get used to conducting virtual meetings because they’re unlikely to go away. Online meetings have been available for years, but the Covid-19 pandemic forced small business…
Our customers and prospects are changing. The following are a few of the very visible changes that are occurring: Approximately 15 percent of US consumers tried grocery delivery. The interesting…
Hank Paulson, former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury said: “The only thing you cannot afford not to do is learn.” In this crazy world of ongoing change, learning is no…
If you are looking to start a new business or to add a product or service to your existing business stop and think about the largest potential target market, the…
“It seems there was a pretzel stand out front of an office building in New York. One day a man came out of the building, plunked down a quarter, and…
“Life moves forward. If you keep looking back, you won’t be able to see where you’re going.” Charles Carroll Only by looking ahead can we best grow our businesses and…
I give away rubber ducks at business shows as a way for people to remember me. I also have several signs that encourage people to get their ducks in a…
In 1986, over 30 years ago, Michael Ray and Rochelle Myers wrote a book, Creativity in Business. I picked up the book again last week and found that it is…
Another title for this blog may be “Know when to move on.” This is an issue that is of critical importance to small business owners. Let’s take a look at…
We are going through a unique economic cycle, one which leaves even the best minds guessing as to what the “real” future holds. That puts small businesses in a difficult…
Being the best in your profession and not letting anyone know about it is not the best way to grow a business. Another mistake is telling the same people the…
The Covid-19 pandemic has upset many small business owners and we still have unanswered questions about how soon life will return to normal and what that new normal will look…
In business we are constantly facing challenges. These past few months it has been the Covid-19 and the disruptive protests. The elections are coming up in a few months and…
This is one of the most important questions every small business owner has to answer. This is a must regardless of who asks the question. It has to be included…
Creativity in the face of COVID-19 life changes. Words and terms like pivot, innovation, change, new beginning, urgency, growth, rev up, new growth, full speed ahead, discovering opportunities, changing consumer…
Customers value content that helps them make sense of all of the disruption going on around them. Small businesses should create and deploy content that helps customers navigate through times…
Deadline is a word that, for the most part, is not favored in the world of small business. However, deadlines play a very useful part in the growth of a…
A pivot can best be defined as a substantive change in a current business model. The change may be in the product or service currently provided or in the marketing…
Judson Cornwall in his book, Treasure in Styrofoam Cups, wrote: “A well-balanced individual does not brood over what he is not;….
Patriotism comes to life as we approach the 4th of July. The truth is, we should be patriotic every day of our lives. The following are a few things for…
These past few months have turned most of the world upside down. Everything appears to have slowed down; people are waiting for a solution to the pandemic and to the…
Every profession has to re-think its marketing process according to the changes that have taken place in the real world and also in the mindset of their target market. I…
First, let’s define the term “Value Added”. It means that you know what your target market needs and have translated the characteristics of your product/service into benefits. Their needs are…
Look at all the changes that businesses had to make in the last few months: remote working and learning, new digital business models, zoom networking and learning other new technologies,…
I ran across an article written by Jeff Haden in 2016; it has nothing to do with the COVID-19 but offers some great advice that is always in vogue. The…
Resources should never be the main challenge in achieving your vision. To quote something I once heard: “If you already have everything you need to achieve your goal, then your…
I spent an hour today listening to a webinar sponsored by the magazine, Target Marketing. The title of the webinar was Personalization, and within the presentation were several thoughts that…
Pandemics tend to enable entirely new businesses (services and products) and acts as an accelerant to innovation versus being the direct cause of it. To quote Dr Imber “There has…
Peter Drucker’s famous words: “Business has only two functions, marketing and innovation.” In this week’s Tuesday Challenge we focused on the importance of creating WOW experiences for our clients, prospects…
In a recent article by McKinsey and Company, titled “To lead you must first lead yourself”, they summarized the five things necessary for a business owner to become a true…
Changes in the way we market have been greatly accelerated in the Covid-19 environment. “Doing what you have always done and expecting the same results” probably will not work. As…
The hype is on! We are opening up, the economy is coming around, the stock market is up and unemployment is down. “Let the good times roll.” In a simple…
Different can be something new but it also can be tweaking an existing product or service. The hard part about discovering opportunities isn’t coming up with something no one has…
Recently I have been on a “tear” emphasizing the importance of building up your data base. In a recent blog I suggested several methods of adding to your base. While…
PERSONALIZATION Technology is opening a lot of new and different marketing opportunities. Personalization, in my opinion is going to become an impactful marketing tool. Another trend that has been mentioned…
When the going gets tough, the tough keep growing. “Imagination and vision are two of the most powerful assets for any entrepreneur. The ability to see new opportunities where no…
Yes, you have a right to be upset with the “goings on” in our Nation. It appears that the old saying is true; “When it rains, it pours.” There are…
The COVID-19 has spurned a rush towards online marketing. As most of you know, I advocate a diversified marketing plan but recognize the importance of an effective online presence. Now,…
No doubt about it, the COVID-19 has sparked a lot of controversies in our world. It has caused great harm to our nation economically, mentally, spiritually, and physically. It seems…
Small business owners are in the people business and their ability to meet others and to share their story is paramount to growing a successful business. In the age of…
WHY you do what you do is part of the foundation for growing a business. HOW you deliver (put your WHY into practice) is the rest of the equation. Starts…
There is a lot of anticipation in the air as many businesses, both large and small go back to work. I am immensely proud of the many small business owners…
Marketing and especially the options we have with which to communicate with our prospects, customers and referral partners has been on my mind these last few weeks. These past few…
Covid-19 is having a decimating effect on our nation. Everyone from young children to senior citizens has this as their major topic of conversation. We are seeing a divided country…
Surviving to Thriving – The Post Covid-19 Return Today is the start of the re-opening. Whether you agree or not, as a small business owner, you have to keep up with…
With restrictions on mobility and businesses being lifted there is a sense of hope, a new beginning. I want to add that it is also a time for caution and…
Marketing is all about the First Impression As I put the date on this blog I realized that we are almost at the half way mark of 2020. This has…
Many small business owners cannot define the meaning of the word “Marketing”. The majority of the small business owners I have spoken with define marketing as the process of getting…
First, an important possibility: By 2021 there will be 333 billion e-mails sent globally each day. Today, six out of 10 people feel they receive too many promotion e-mails. According…
There is a certain amount of excitement as business owners are evaluating their positions and are preparing for growth. The following are several aspects that will be important for growth…
As more and more states face pressure to allow “re-opening” of closed businesses, we need to study the proposed plans of some of the larger retailers. As small businesses we…
Communication is the life blood of any small business. Keeping in touch with our friends, customers and prospects is critical for survival and growth. Looking at the glass half-full, this…
Sometimes small business owners become workaholics or, in this environment, thoughtaholics. The COVID-19 has changed each of us and we are either working all day long trying to “make a…
Living in our current, in person contact-less business environment has presented new challenges for both client retention and generating new clients. The internet, everything from e-mail to social media to…
It certainly has been a very frustrating couple of months. As small business owners we like to be busy, involving others as we network, make sales presentations and doing all…
Let me start with several definitions of spurt: To show marked usually increased, activity for a short period. To do something much faster than before. A sudden short burst, as…
Easter week has always been a very special renewing time of the year for me. Because of my faith I know that, even in the face of the current COVID-19…
Hopefully you all paid attention to my Friday blog and took the weekend as a rest and relaxation period. Now it’s time to start re-imagine ourselves as small business owners….
I want to thank all of you that responded to my e-mail and answered a few questions. The questions asked: how you are doing in your personal and business lives….
This past week has been a hard week for many small business owners who are facing the reality that no one can predict the severity or longevity of the corona-virus….
My brother and I had an interesting conversation today on the future of small business after the virus disappears. Before I share a few details, I want to let you…
Lessons learned: Was your business prepared for the consequences of this virus? Were you financially prepared at home? Did you have the food, medicine and supplies needed to survive in…
I frequently mention that change is the only constant in both our personal and business lives. The coronavirus is a current change that is affecting both our personal and business…
Don’t let the Coronavirus become another excuse for not completing the work that needs to be done to reach your vision. Starting in January and for the next two months…
In keeping with our motto (those of you that are in the BizQuack Success 2020 program), this week we will concentrate on our tag line “Be Joyful”. This past week I have…
This should be what BizQuack members are known as. The news is full of people that have or are losing jobs and business owners, both small and large waiting to…
The coronavirus is forcing many people into isolation which, unfortunately, causes a negative mindset. For many small business owners it feels like the whole world is at a standstill. We…
Today, let’s focus on your current customers as well as your target market. Because you have identified a target market which describes both your current customers as well as your…
Last Friday I mentioned that I would concentrate on ideas that will help us grow our businesses in the coronavirus environment. There exists a “panic” mode in this country. My…
Not to make light of the Coronavirus, but we cannot crawl into our shells and wait for it to disappear. We have choices. We can stay tuned to the news…
Most people rate the word (BizQuack Vision Based Business) Plan as the single most important word in the small business vocabulary. I agree, to some degree. Knowing where you are…
What to do? The answer is simple, keep on working and growing. You have choices; the wrong one is to cut back on everything you do including marketing and growth…
Trade shows are a great marketing tool! Why are not more small businesses participating in them? Is it the expense of a booth or the lack of places to have…
That statement is false. There is no small business owner that doesn’t have a marketing budget.
You met a prospect that you felt was your ideal client. After a brief introduction you set up a follow up appointment to make a presentation. Yes, the person agreed…
I selected this topic for my blog today because, in my opinion, a CPA is in the best position to send a qualified referral to a wide variety of businesses….
March came in like a lion and January and February disappeared into the sunset. My hope is that the lion in March roared loud enough to awaken you, and made…
This past week I was called to make a presentation to a small business that the owner felt was in “stagnation.” The purpose of the meeting was to see if…
As a small business owner your goal should be to always create a “leadership presence”. A “leadership presence” is created when others trust you and your message and when every…
Success in business is defined by your ability to convey your information to others so they understand it the way you do. Selling is nothing more than conveying information across…
You have all heard that retaining an existing customer is less expensive than finding a new one. With most products and services, there is a “lifetime value” that a customer…
One important goal every small business owner should have is to increase their person to person contacts. The goal is to build relationships not acquaintances. Relationships are built upon an…
Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. I believe that the majority of our target market wants more human experiences. I read that three out of four…
Steve Jobs said: “Those that are courageous enough to think that they can change the world are the ones that do so.” Each and every one of our BizQuack members…
As most of you know, l have been recommending the use of a hand written note as part of an effective marketing process. What I have been told was that…
Many networking groups advocate membership of one business type only. I don’t follow that philosophy. I once heard the following: “Business is cooperation when it comes to creating a pie…
The big ‘BUT’ is: are you taking action? We are only half way thru the first month of 2020 and I have attended meetings in which I heard some great…
I have seen many small business owners “paralyzed by analysis,” they are afraid to take the first step. We all want to succeed and want a guarantee that everything we…
As a small business owner your most valuable asset is your time. I am a strong advocate of the 40% marketing rule. That means you should be spending 40% of…
Essentialism is not about how to get more things done; it’s about how to get the right things done. The question we all have to ask ourselves is: Am I…
Fifteen of our BizQuack members enrolled in our yearlong 2020 Success Program. We held our first monthly meeting this morning. I want to share what we accomplished and the direction…
I am very excited as I start my year long journey tomorrow. Instant gratification or instantaneous results are not going to happen in any business. Hard work, a viable action…
Inspiration is often defined as an experience where a situation, event, or person sparks new possibilities, capabilities and action. In the book Dare to Inspire, the authors define inspiration as…
Social media platforms provide an opportunity to reach out to hundreds of people. The problem is you are not building any equity into your outreach. Having hundreds of followers on…
As we approach the end of another year we look forward to a new start, and with hope in our hearts we once again set new goals. This past year…
In preparation for BizQuack Success 2020 I have asked those interested in participating to share their most pressing issue. Their answers, not a surprise, deal mostly with growing their businesses….
As the New Year begins we are again full of enthusiasm with visions for a very successful year. 2020 can and should be a great year, but we must stay…
If you are like most of us, the week of Christmas and Hanukkah is so very busy that business is the last thing that you want to think about. If,…
My gift to you is a year of education, surprises, joy, hard work, formation of good habits, personal support and accountability. A process that will see your bottom line reach…
JOYFUL is the BizQuack word for 2020 I am helping with, as well as participating in, a spiritual project in which the word JOYFUL is one of the key components….
10 actions to complete before the end of the year Touch as many of your customers/referral partners as you can. Best in person, second by phone, third by snail mail,…
The following were provided by five different small business owners. They were all asked to share what they felt was the most important advice they could share with another small…
The following thoughts are taken from a book The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard. The first virtue of the great among us is a remarkable level of sustained motivation. Success…
Only 21 days until 2020! Where do you stand on the following issues? Do you have actual numbers for your 2020 goals? The numbers can be stated as number of…
Part of the research we are conducting at Strategic Duck and BizQuack is how to best help small business owners to not only succeed but to thrive. The items that…
The following is information on a special program that we developed which we feel will help our membership achieve their business vision. This list is presented in several parts: The Why Developing…
I hope that your Thanksgiving was a Blessed day and that you shared with your family and friends all the things for which you are thankful. Perhaps you watched some…
“Execution separates the dreamers from the doers: it is the ability to do and get results – to keep moving forward to achieve your vision and goals in business and…
I define profitable as being able to pay all your business expenses, your daily living expenses, having a retirement account and an emergency account for both your home and business….
In this particular case, I am referring to social media and other online “networking” organizations. Let me site a few examples: I started a free meet-up group by the name…
Now, more than ever, what your business stands for and what it represents can be the foundation for a meaningful competitive advantage. Several days ago I spoke about a “correct”…
As many of you know, I am a Certified Financial Planner, and while I am not practicing, (helping people with their financial issues), I try to stay up to date…
Having an advisory board is a good idea for all businesses of any size; however, very few businesses implement this valuable asset. There are many reasons: I am too small…
Instant gratification appears to be very prevalent in today’s society. Unfortunately, this mode of thinking is sometimes translated to the business owner. One of the worst things a business owner…
At a marketing session this morning I asked those in attendance “How many of you have written a book?” With a show of hands, less than 10% of the small…
First, let’s remember our veterans and active soldiers who are and have given us the opportunity to work and live in this great country. Most of you know that we…
Getting a small business up and running is hard enough, but thinking about re-inventing the business every 3 to 4 years is the last thing small business owners want to…
Small business owners have much to offer, both in their products and services. Armed with this array of products and services the feeling is that success will certainly come their…
It’s not enough just to be smart and know everything about your business. That is only the first step to growing a business. The second and most important step is telling…
It’s not enough just to be smart and know everything about your business. That is only the first step to growing a business. The second and most important step is…
One of the last things on the mind of small business owners is preparing for retirement. Let me share a few sobering statistics: A mere 28% of non-retired Americans have…
Every day in our lives should be one of learning. Pertaining to yourself and your business, what did you learn today? For me, I visited with two clients and was…
I attended three different functions this past week; the leadership of the events were all community and successful business leaders. I also noticed that about a third of those present…
Tried and true will not work in today’s fast changing world. As small business owners we have to be on the cutting edge of innovation and to me that requires…
There are two what I consider precious commodities; one is human touch and the other is time. For years I have always made it a point to have all my…
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. The Buddha Every business and every commission sales person starts their endeavor full of enthusiasm. The sky is the limit, success…
Make sure your target market is actually interested in the new product or service you plan to launch!
In one of my educational sessions, Get Seen and Heard,( the entire power point presentation is available in the education section, under Marketing) I said that there are 3 main parts…
As I have mentioned many times before, without customers there is no business. Your ability to market your business is the key to profitability. (Yes, you must first build your…
Whether you are starting a new business or changing directions in an existing business the hardest part of the process is to “Take the First Step.” There is no magic…
It’s time to start planning your Holiday Marketing. Almost mid-October and the following check list may give you a few ideas: Thanksgiving is a great time to say Thank You….
Olympic Swimmer and author (Distraction Proof Advisor) Paul Kingsman summarized a short but powerful way to help you visualize your Dream (Vision). Cultivate your picture of what your diligent work will lead…
Because I am a coach/mentor, I have a need to get a conversation started that leads to the heart of the matter; why are we meeting? With new contacts, my…
The term “target Market” is used by most businesses to identify who their customer is. Identifying a target market is just the beginning, unfortunately, most businesses stop with a general…
I am sure that everyone has had at least one if not many “brilliant” ideas. Some of these ideas can be even more powerful than the story of APPLE. The…
Lowering the price of your goods and service to stay competitive may be a sure way to stop your growth. That’s almost as bad as saying “I will lose money…
Do you remember the “Buzz” marketing phenomena of several years ago? Many books were written on the subject and many believed that it was the future of brand building. What…
Profitability and sustainability require that a business be in a constant mode of reinvention. Change is most often associated with risk, but a business, no matter how old, must have…
“Success in life is not guaranteed because of your technical skills, education, and experience. They all help, but the key to success is being able to sell yourself, your ideas,…
In the past two week I have had the opportunity to work with two new clients. I have known both these people for some time and had established a mental…
In the world of small business staying connected is one of the most basic tools in your success toolbox. Not only as entrepreneurs but as individuals, we were never meant…
There are many qualities that an entrepreneur must have in order to develop a successful and profitable “fast growing business.” The following are the key ingredients that I found, as…
It is necessary to instill a disciplining program in your small business in order to move forward. Efficiency is tied to a disciplined organization. As a small business owner you…
The more specific your vision, the more expansive the creativity you will unleash. The more you know WHY you are doing what you are doing, the more freedom you have…
If you get your target market to give you permission to sell to them, you have won a major victory. That means that they will listen to you and look…
Frequently I write a blog encouraging you to draw attention to yourself and your business in a unique way. I have yet to hear from anyone that took me up…
Know Your Story! The third step in my Vision Based Business Plan is knowing your Story; the first and second are your Vision and your Why. The complete Vision Based…
Last week I attended two meetings in which the participants had to introduce themselves and to share information about their businesses. After the introductions, there was a 20 minute break…
In the world of business, knowing your percentages is an important part of growing a profitable company. Percentages factor in every marketing effort and consequently, have to be a part…
Author Seth Godin wrote that there are two kinds of “I don’t know”. The first I don’t know is one that has not been taught to you. As an example, you…
I had dinner Saturday night at a small, but very good Italian restaurant. My intern from Grand Canyon University (worked with me in July and August) told me about it….
The U.S. Department of Labor’s page on the history of Labor Day notes the holiday “is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements…
Many small business start-ups have visions of becoming an overnight success. Their expectations to achieve this sought after status is measured by the number of likes or followers they have…
Next week we enter into fall (perhaps not in Arizona) and this is a great time to evaluate your content marketing. Things to check out: 1. Know your audience: most small business…
Five rules to follow with or without a pending Recession Our economy has always had its ups and downs. The possibility of a recession is a hot political topic and…
The first: your customers are looking for businesses that can help them survive and thrive. The second: the communications you use must be simple. “The key is to make your…
Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you. – Aldous Huxley The Moment of Truth is that crucial moment when your…
You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over. Richard Branson – founder and CEO of Virgin Group Education is obsolete the day you graduate….
Growing a small business is a time consuming process and owners don’t always have the time to stay abreast of new trends. At BizQuack we endeavor to introduce new trends…
Tools are only as good as the person who uses them. In September we hope to introduce new tools and more support to help you grow your business. In the…
I don’t often address economics in my blogs. Today with the large drop in the DOW there is uneasiness among small business owners. The fear is that a recession is…
Keeping a journal may sound like an old fashion idea, but, in my opinion, it is one of the best ways to really get to know yourself. First, let me…
We have introduced the importance of creating “WOW” customer experiences in several blogs. An example of such experiences may include a more rapid delivery of a product/service or the performance of…
At BizQuack we encourage our members to lead change, not follow it. Siri and Alexa are making voice technology the wave of the future, not just for entertainment but also…
“The word priority came into the English language in the 1400s. It was singular. It meant the very first or prior thing. It stayed singular for the next five hundred years. Only…
All small business owners want to experience rapid growth. Growth usually means the acquisition of new customers, thus increasing the bottom line. Let me ask a question. How do you…
Growing a small business is all about urgency. `Unless your business is changing faster on the inside than the world is changing on the outside, you will not reach your…
This is a summary of a news release I will be sending out this weekend. Although the statistics are terrible, each of us, if we prepare ourselves, can help those…
Success belongs to those businesses that tell their prospects the best stories, have the best content, and provide services and products that align perfectly with their prospects needs. Rapid communications…
I developed the Vision Based Business Plan because I believe that every great thing you want to accomplish has to first be a vision. To bring a vision to reality…
As small business owners time is a precious commodity and spending time with closed-minded people is seldom productive. It’s important to be able to tell the difference so that you…
The complete phrase is “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me”. In the world of small business the only place to look for support is inward. There is…
Worry wastes time and drains energy. Starting and growing a business can produce a lot of reasons to worry; lack of financing, lack of customers, lack of time and a…
Small Business owners should have one commitment, and that is to reach their vision and to create a sustainable and profitable business. No, I don’t mean that you should stagnate…
Networking is defined as: The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Networking has become a numbers game that is being pursued…
Focusing on one or even two marketing outlets is not a wise move. I am often told that the reason some small business owners advertise in a certain magazine or…
Your most important asset, as a small business owner, is your Data Base: the list of people that you should be growing daily and communicating with frequently. In my opinion, small business…
The following are several points that I feel are worthwhile remembering: Research is an important part of growing a business. Notice, I didn’t say your research, I said research. In today’s…
When something slows down or stops, it takes a while to get started again. There is a vicious cycle that many small business owners adopt. Summer is slow. Kids out…
Having an impactful on-boarding system is one of the secrets to establishing long term customer retention. While I am an advocate of having an on-boarding system that includes a “human…
I was given a name of someone that sounded exactly like what I was looking for. Creating strategic alliances is an important focus for BizQuack. My goal is to gather…
Most small business owners are, what I call, local marketers. That means that the majority of their business comes from a local market. The magazine, Small Business Trends, had the…
To build a business you must focus on making a presentation to someone that can either buy from you or refer someone to you. Including all the networking meetings you…
There is no one alive who is YOU-ER that YOU. What this means is that you are your own personal brand. How people perceive you and what they say about…
There are many ways to build a solid foundation on which to grow your business. In the BizQuack Vision Based Business Plan we list the eight ingredients (Your Vision, Your…
As small business owners our job is to always strive to increase the bottom line. As solopreneurs, it is hard to find the necessary time to manage all the aspects…
ONE STEP AT A TIME! Instant gratification is a trait that many small business owners have. When they buy a new service or product they expect positive instant results. As…
People only scan your web page, they seldom read it. Using numbers and bullet points helps draw their attention to your message. Create a road. Give people a place to go to learn…
Get started with new, innovative ideas! Ideas are needed in the growth process of a small business. Most small businesses are started with an idea; an idea of what you…
How you deliver your product/service is starting to be as important as What you deliver. One of the foundation building blocks in the BizQuack Vision Plan is to identify the promise you make…
Being Extraordinary is a goal that every small business owner should have. That goal is best accomplished by trying to do the best you can, every day. I love the…
I frequently share a book title that I have on my small business recommended reading list. Taking the time to find out what others have done may be the spark…
A topic that occasionally comes up during a mentoring session is “I am in a rut.” In my opinion, the best way to get out of a rut is to change…
Customers are increasingly choosing vendors on the basis of long term value, not long-term history. The bottom line for the small business is to communicate well and to deliver value….
As small business owners we have heard this many times: “It’s not what you know, but who you know that counts.” While I believe that this is a true statement,…
Pretty websites don’t sell things. Words sell things! It is being ingrained in the minds of small business owners that having a website is critical. While I agree that is…
Many small business owners have a limited understanding of their past and current customers. I say this because most small business owners that I meet are focusing on business development…
In 1981 Al Ries and Jack Trout wrote a book called “Positioning.” I believe that it is still one of the very best books written on the concept of Branding….
I have been blessed with an opportunity to meet hundreds of small business owners. What amazes me is the lack of a “growth vision” that is prevalent among many of…
As small business owners your goal should be to simplify your business. Yes, starting and growing a business can be a complex process but the first order of business has…
Many small business owners start their marketing efforts by focusing on logo development, their website and selecting a suitable tag line. These three items, although important, should not be the…
Being a solopreneur has many benefits, but along with that comes the occasional “down time”. That happens when things appear to come to a standstill or even take a few…
“Jeff Bezos is famous for creating the future press release before launching a new product, undergoing any kind of transformation, or entering a new market. The process of creating a…
There a lot of opportunities to participate in the growth of your community. Specifically, I want to cover organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Optimist, etc. These are not networking…
Solopreneurs make up a large portion of small business owners. The thought of hiring someone is an overwhelming concept and often avoided. I believe that there are valid reasons to…
Having a vision is the base for starting and growing a business. The development of your vision is based upon your passion, and it should inspire you enough to motivate…
Your challenge is to always lead the field. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for managing an organization’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. There are many CRM…
It’s hard to believe that the first 5 months of the year are nearly over. In December or January you set some goals that you hoped will lead you to…
National Small Business week is the first week in May. Did you know that this week existed and how did you celebrate? Of the many reports issued this past week…
Part of the information BizQuack disseminates is from articles that we feel will have a significant impact on small business. The following are excerpts from a recently completed study called…
My last blog spoke about the need for speed and the importance of communications. The following 3 tools should be a serious consideration for every member. Video Conferencing: Pictures are…
Changes in what people want and where and when they want it means all companies must move faster. Instant gratification is becoming a consumer want. I read an article on…
The financial crisis of 2007 – 08 saw a lot of business owners lose their borrowing power from their “bank” the equity in their homes. The drop in value of…
Maricopa County is the fastest growing county in the nation. This can have a positive impact on your business but only if you take action. Let me cite from a…
I sat in a meeting today with a small non-profit group trying to re-invent themselves after several years of lack-luster success. From an original, single offering concept, which never became…
How do you respond to a criticism or to a correction? Many business owners look upon such an action as a rejection by a potential client or as an employee…
The only real growth is profit growth. This is the statement that I encourage all business owners to keep in a highly visible place in their office. The bottom line…
Somewhere along the line the mindset of new business owners has changed from anticipating a long slow, but steady growth to achieving overnight success. If success doesn’t occur within the…
The term innovation has become the “go to” word for small business growth. The term itself sounds overwhelming. Is a small business owner supposed to find a new product and…
HOW 25 = 625 A tribe is a group of people connected to one another and connected to an idea. Saturday Nanci’s computer crashed, showing only a black screen. Nanci,…
The following is an excerpt from a great book by Jeb Blount –Fanatical Prospecting “Webster dictionary defines mindset as a mental attitude or inclination. Mindset is completely and absolutely within…
Occasionally I visit with small business owners who start off a conversation saying, “ I have not accomplished anything”. When things go wrong in a business it’s easy to wrap…
Economist Peter Drucker said “management is doing things right: leadership is doing the right things. Every small business owner needs to be both a manager and a leader. The key…
I can also add another “not enough”, and that is profit. As a small business grows the work seems to take control of time and, in many cases, the cash…
I received an invitation to speak to a group of approximately 20 independent contractors. The meeting was set up by the business owner who felt that I could help his…
If you don’t know where you are a map won’t help you. The same applies to a small business owner that is on a journey to grow a business. In…
The second habit written by Stephen R. Covey, in his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is titled “Begin with the end in mind.” He went on…
Setting the budget for a business involves planning the income and expenditures. This is usually broken down into months so that the planned budget and actual figures can be compared….
There is more to growing a business than getting new business in the front door. Without a solid foundation that assimilates, feeds and channels the new cash flow into the…
Don’t say no until you know what you’re saying no to. Many small business owners have a habit of saying “no” to all new experiences. The word prejudice comes to…
Have you ever felt that your business is stuck in “neutral?” Are you pushing on the gas pedal and still not getting anywhere? Is the “gas” you are pumping into…
Is growing a small business a numbers game? Since growing a small business eventually translates to the number of sales closed, then should we assume that the sales process is a numbers game? I am old…
“Speed is everything. It is the indispensable ingredient in competitiveness. Speed keeps businesses – and – people young. It’s addictive, and it’s a profoundly American taste we need to cultivate.”…
It has been said that “Listening is not the same as hearing and in order to listen effectively you need to use more than just your ears.” Research shows that…
Frustration may set in on a small business owner. Things don’t always go the way you hoped. There is more to do than you have time. Finances become an issue….
Let’s start off with “Word of Mouth” recommendations. If you are like most people, you want to share information about a great restaurant or a great movie that you recently…
Ever get stumped when someone asks you what you do? The most important answer to the most important question… What do you do? Yes, the BizQuack business plan starts with…
WORK HARDER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED! This morning I participated as a “judge” for the Venture Devils. At the beginning of the semester we had approximately 400 entrepreneurs that wanted…
Great communicators have a compelling vision. Let’s start with a definition of the word Connecting as written by John Maxwell: “Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to…
Cold calling is one of the most feared marketing tools for small business owners. This came in my e-mail several days ago and I made a few modifications to send…
An Inc. magazine survey of its Inc.500 showed that 88% of the CEO’s attributed their company’s success primarily to the extraordinary execution of an idea. What is your Tactical Excellence…
As a small business grows it has many responsibilities, perhaps the most important being the protection of your brand. Let’s start by defining what a brand is: Your brand is…
Do whatever it takes to get seen and heard; don’t just think about it, do it! Getting you name, your vision, your why and your value proposition out to your…
In a recent article the headline stated that 43% of small businesses believe that a recession is on the horizon. You should not slow your growth action in anticipation of…
Let me start with a few statistics: Nowsourcing has revealed 25% of the US workforce will be 55 years of age and older by 2024. 4 in 5 boomers expect…
A strategic alliance (also see strategic partnership) is an agreement between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon objectives needed while remaining independent organizations. A strategic…
I did not write this book, but I highly recommend it. This was written by Jay Baer. In past blogs, I have given examples of a Talk trigger, although I…
In many past blogs as well as my BizQuack session, Human Touch Marketing, I refer to your appearance. You are what the prospect, both as a client and referral source…
Every small business owner has to be a sales person. The key to success in small business is, to a large degree, based upon your willingness to present your product/service…
The process for setting your company vision, “No money or time constraints”, does not require you to know exactly how you are going to reach it. It requires you to…
Whatever your service or product is, you should always be striving to think of something new that you can do with your business. Hopefully all of you have received the…
As humans we need to belong. Our family is your first “community”. That is followed by your school community, your faith community and then your friends. By the time you…
A lot of time has been spent in identifying a target market. Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, have been the most numerous cohorts in America for more than…
“The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of devices such as vehicles, and home appliances that contain electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which allows these things to connect,…
This past year I have been analyzing small business owners as well as “want to be business owners.” Even though l have been working with small businesses for many years,…
At a networking session this past week those present were asked to discuss their product/service. Much to my surprise, several of the participants spent 3 to 4 minutes sharing on…
If you are in business, chances are good that your future customers will google you. The internet provides the first step in determining whether a consumer is going to purchase…
There are many requirements to growing a successful business and one of them is making a decision and acting on it. Opportunities may be lost while a “do or not…
This blog is a result of several telephone blunders made this week by business owners: A friend had a Doctor’s appointment this morning. He had to hire a special transport…
February 14 has become the day that everyone shows their appreciation for one another. In grade school kids hand out a valentine to every other child in the room. Older…
I believe that a good e-mail list is an asset that will stand the test of time as other digital sites come and go. If you provide value in the…
Owning and running a small business is great, but without growth the business will die. Growth does not have to be measured by the number of employees; what counts is…
Just doing a good job in the delivery of your products or services may not be enough with today’s consumers. Many products and services are constantly changing, adding new features…
Fast growth is a goal for many small business owners, and properly managed, it is a good goal to shoot for. The key words are “properly managed.” Too often the…
The answer is a definite yes… with a few caveats. 1. You have to define your target market. 2. Validation is important; does your defined marketplace want your…
The answer is a definite yes… with a few caveats. 1. You have to define your target market. 2. Validation is important; does your defined marketplace want your product/service? With…
Your challenge for today is to “set a date and spread the word”. Making a commitment and telling everyone you know about it is a great motivator to make sure…
“Success at almost anything rests upon this single principle: Do the basics, do them well, and do them every day, even when you don’t feel like doing them.” I received…
In his book “The Impact Equation: Chris Brogan wrote: There are two types of people in this world. You’re either a head of lettuce or an apple tree. “Look, if…
Minds need exercise! Like any other “muscle” in your body exercise is the key to gaining strength. In the case of your mind, exercise will yield new creative ideas which…
Motivation is an important part of a small business owner’s life. Too often I hear comments such as “I just can’t get myself going.” When I visit with those that…
To get the most out of your business relationships you have to take the responsibility for making something happen. The most successful small business owners I know always take the…
The only thing that is impossible is the one thing that you don’t believe can be obtained! We had three new businesses join our BizQuack Community this week. Dr. Paresh…
Part of being a member of a community is the support each of us can offer to one another. Within the BizQuack site there is a section called The Market…
Which Lever Works Best for Your Business? These three words are considered to be the “Three Marketing Levers.” In trying to understand how these three words play in the life…
Just read a success story about a new venture. The founders had an idea for a new product. While working full time at their current jobs, they spent two years…
We are all in the people business. Developing meaningful ongoing relationship with others is one of the main ingredients for growing a profitable and sustainable business. So many small business…
I frequently hear about new “things” in the pipeline. Our goal as small business owners is to lead the field, not follow it. Both of these items came to my…
A quality, well written, brochure that explains your How, What and Why plus your Value proposition is an integral part of a marketing program. I attended a marketing session this…
A common trait among some small business owners is to “give up.” James Dyson’s bagless vacuum cleaner was perfected only after a staggering 5,127 tries. This fact gives me encouragement when…
Not a challenge but an opportunity for you to see if you can grow your own group following on LinkedIn. Make it a group that relates to your business. Pick…
Business Culture is the character and personality of your organization. It’s what makes your business unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors and attitudes. It’s…
Solopreneurship has exploded in recent years; by definition that is an individual who works alone and runs the business single-handedly. The following are a few thoughts on the subject: ➧…
The secret is out; there are over 3.03 billion active social media users, and 81% of all small and medium businesses use some kind of social platform. Most of you…
Make the effort to establish solid, trusting relationships. Across all industries there has been a growing lack of trust. Gone are the “good old days” where you looked someone in…
This has a little to do with the Target Marketing class I am offering on the 14th of January at the Scottsdale Civic Center Library. “Today successful companies start with…
The small business world is a challenging place to be, and unfortunately, small business owners neglect the opportunity to grow their businesses by building upon the deficiencies of their competition….
Most of my blogs have to do with ways to improve and grow your business. Today I want to discuss a more serious side of business and that is the…
In the last few days the “Market” has been acting like a yo-yo. It has become the main topic of conversation on the news, talk shows, and just about everywhere…
I love working with new businesses, however, I would like to start working with the entrepreneur while he/she is thinking of starting a business. The majority of my clients reach…
As we approach the end of 2018 I wanted to share what I consider one of the most important and most significant statements that I wrote. This past year I…
It’s Been Implemented Everywhere. Does it work in your business? Change is still and will always be a constant in the world of small business. While still in its infancy,…
Inner remark-ability is all about finding something about your product, service, or firm to make it stand out. Differentiation is not the same thing; your product or service may be…
Small business growth requires constant change. One way to give yourself a head start in 2019 is to implement an “Added Value” segment to your business. This will allow you…
Early Implementation is Key! I gathered this list from a variety of sources with the hopes that this knowledge will help you adopt them as you strive to reach your…
Identify. Serve. Follow up. Referrals are still one of the best ways to grow a small business. I am constantly looking for new ideas on this subject and recently came…
Take a few minutes and reflect on what you could have done, either differently or more of in 2018. Think of things that may have increased your bottom line. Did…
Small business owners are constantly evaluating strategy options. The first 3 years of a small business are in what I call a “constant evaluation process.” It is a time to…
“Being an entrepreneur is being willing to do a job that nobody else wants to do, in order to be able to live the rest of your life doing whatever…
Opportunities to grow our businesses are offered to us every day. This morning I attended a presentation on a software program, “SalesForce”, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. Discipline As…
Winston Churchill was credited with this saying: “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” In my opinion, one of the primary reasons for the high failure rate…
Adopt these two new ideas for 2019 “Super Success”! My nephew, a nose, ear and throat physician, recently married a wonderful girl who happens to be a minimalist. The word…
Using Simon Sinek’s simple diagram consisting of three concentric circles with the WHY being the center, the next has the word HOW and the outer ring the word WHAT. According…
There is only one word that expresses the desires/expectations of your clients and customers and that word is…. RESULTS! People buy your services or products with the hopes of satisfying…
It’s amazing the impact that a bad review can have. This morning I was visiting with a friend and she said that she would never stay at a certain hotel…
Every small business needs help or support in one specific area that, in the mind of the business owner, would have the greatest positive impact on his/her bottom line in…
Connect with Your Business Family Thanksgiving, for most of us, involves spending time with family and friends. It’s a special time of the year and the importance of having “our…
It’s about Connections, Frequency, and Understanding I am sure that everyone has had at least one if not many “brilliant” ideas. Some of these ideas can be even more powerful…
Recently the term influencer has become popular in the business world. Most everyone has their own interpretation of what the term means. Who is an influencer and why do they…
GET THINGS IN ORDER! HERE’S A LIST OF TO DO’S. As small business owners we are so focused on growing our businesses that we sometimes forget all the factors that…
Feeling lethargic is a common occurrence among small business owners, especially if they are a solopreneur. My meaning of “lethargic” includes a lack of self-motivation to focus on what you…
Have barely gotten used to writing 2018 as the year and now it’s time to think about 2019. I hope to keep you informed as I study more about things…
Have you ever visited with another small business owner, and as he tells you about his business your mind sends you messages as to how this person can improve his…
Growth requires a strong foundation. First let’s identify what a business plan should be. It really is a Vision Plan with the ultimate goal of the plan being to reach…
Take small steps every day. Nanci and I decided to get rid of all the grass in our back yard and create a magic garden full of flowers, bushes and…
Don’t let a difficult customer drag you down! In the life of every small business comes that occasional customer that is considered a “jerk’ or “bad mouths” you or does…
Reach out to those who have supported you. All of us have a lot to be thankful for. We must remember that many of the things we are thankful for…
In a recent blog I wrote about getting noticed and what you have to do to differentiate yourself. I still believe that your current customer base is your best source…
These last few weeks I have been getting articles written by prominent finance people warning about a possible recession in 2020. The housing market was again named a possible “bubble.”…
Nobody talks about a boring business. Getting referrals is all about people talking about you, and people won’t talk about you if you are boring. If you are not excited…
Went to an Alpha retreat this weekend and among the many things that I came away with was the following line: “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” Although it was…
Many small business owners give up or never even get started because of “competition”. I frequently hear comments such as: “Someone else is already doing it,” or “My idea is…
For the past year I have been stressing the importance of having a vision for your business. It is only in our vision that we are able to see ourselves…
Entrepreneurs are visionaries. In order to succeed despite the many obstacles ahead, they need to not only have a unique vision, but to also be relentlessly devoted to it. (This…
Let me start by sharing a few global statistics about smart phones: In the first quarter of 2018 nearly 384 million smartphones were sold More than 5 billion people are…
A recent blog entitled “Desk Top Success Schedule” emphasized the importance of creating powerful habits. You were asked to create a list of the things that you could and should…
Many small businesses wish that they had enough funds to help grow their business. It is important to know how to raise money not only at the start of a…
GET THAT STUFF DONE SO YOU CAN BE MORE PRODUCTIVE! Starting and growing a small business seems like an overwhelming undertaking. The majority of small businesses are solopreneurs, or a…
Habits are important and a visual reminder of what habits you are working on implementing now will help to cement them into a permanent part of your business life. Habits…
As a small business owner one of the most important things to be aware of is your own value and skills. Having faith in your abilities and skills is…
One of the main deficiencies that exist in the world of small business is a lack of retirement planning. It’s not enough to say I have a 401K or a…
EVERY DOOR DIRECT MAIL Mail has several advantages: You know that your marketing piece will be delivered to your prospect. If it is eye catching and has good content, it…
Small businesses are in a unique position to capture the attention of existing and new customers utilizing traditional methods. Yes it’s great to be seen in the digital world, however,…
Last evening I invited six small business owners to my office to receive an overview of our innovative new business planning model, Vision Based Business Plan. Most of the material…
“If everything’s under control, you’re going too slow.” Mario Andretti Small business owners who spend an inordinate amount of time and energy organizing details often forget to focus on achieving…
“Be in a constant state of Awareness. Get Over Yourself and Know What You Don’t Know.” There are many hidden dangers that creep into the mind of a small business…
Small business owners should always be moving forward. If you become stale so will your business. You can’t ever stop being excited and energetic about your business. One of the…
Small business owners have two costly issues that they have to overcome: too many things to do and not enough time to do them. Several weeks ago each of you…
As small business owners, each of us has a “comfort zone”. I define that zone as that area where our thoughts and actions make us feel comfortable. The unfortunate reality…
“In the emerging real-time business environment, size is no longer a decisive advantage. Speed and agility win the moment.” We are fortunate to live in a time where instant communications…
Small business owners are always on the go and we can all use a little help from time to time. We talk a lot about the importance of time management…